Friday, November 20, 2009

I am an indian and I have dark-brownish skin know how to make it lighter?

I wanna make my skin lighter by 1-2 shades. Trust me it isn't a lot just to a moderate extent. Do you know any house-hold products (remedies) like lemon juice, olives, or tomato juice that will make my skin lighter to a moderate extent or creams. Please when answering list the product the amount of time it takes to work and how often I have to put it on if u don't then I can't pick you as the best answer. Also please don't mention Call Micheal Jackson because I am asking only aksing for a little bit color change to like medium-brownish not like yellow or white. I repeat I don't want yellow or white skin just medium-brownish. Also you might be wondering why I wan't a better skin color. In india it is considered that if you have a dark skin color you are poor because you spend most of your time working outdoors and also everyone makes fun of me even my friends So please answer right

I am an indian and I have dark-brownish skin know how to make it lighter?
dont do anything to change your skin color. do you know how many people wish they had darker skin. look how many people go to the tanning bed. whoever is making fun of you are just jealous of your pretty skin color. i have indian in me and always get compliments on my skin and how pretty it is. so stay like you are.
Reply:Use Ambi soap or cocoa butter soap twice per day.
Reply:can't help and your probably going to hate more for saying this but be happy to be the color you are. i wish everyday my skin could be very dark but i know it will never happen with my porcelain skin
Reply:Be proud of who you are

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