Saturday, April 24, 2010

Skin problem... read details please.?

For the past 10-15 years of my life, I have had this problem where the skin on the tip of my nose peels... it is always sort of reddened. It will start to heal and will look like a red bumb (sort of a mix between a blister and and zit starting under the skin) but then the skin kind of "cracks" and the peeling starts again. Sometimes it will heal for a few months at a time but then it always starts again. I have tried almost every cream on the market and use a very gentle cleanser. It will not go away and it is noticable- some people will comment that I have dry skin on my nose. Makeup makes it show up worse- sometimes it gets really sore. I have seen my internist and asked him to send me to a dermatologist but of course it is never bad when I go to see him so he won't send me... I think he thinks I am making it up... (doesn't taht always happen when you finally go to the doctor for a problem???) What could it be?

Skin problem... read details please.?
I'm not a specialist but I have worked for a doctor kind of sounds like a skin cancer....if you CAN get into see the dermatologist he should be able to tell without it being "active". Maybe you need a different dermo...good luck
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