My facial skin is going crazy!
I began having lots of acne-like, or pimple like "irritations" all over my face.
They are pretty intense on my forehead and sides of the cheeks.
They are not exactly pimples, because I am 26 years old. They are rather irritations or the fats re-surfacing from my chronic constipation problem.
I have visited two different dermotologists and they all said, "... there is nothing I can do.. just apply this cream where ever goes out of controll..."
So screw the doctors. Now, it is time to turn to the natural methods.
Do you recommend any natural ways to fight the surface of the pimple-likes? Any diets? Any natural creams or "washing face with milk"?
The worst fear I have is those irritations being left on my facial skin permanently as they become scars. How do I prevent forming scars?
Can you give me any tips on getting my facial skin back to the soft, acne-free, handsome state?
Any tips/advices will be appreciated.
Help! My skin is getting crazy!!?
Make a mix of plain old cooked oatmeal and whole milk. Apply as a mask nightly, let dry, rinse off. Do not apply any other chemicals, at least at night. This works.
Reply:I dunno!
Reply:Try Proactive...its the best out there!!!
Reply:dude, get some new skin
Reply:this might sound crazy but my friend washes her face with a little bit of bleach and some dove soap!! her face is clear, smooth and beautiful. she applies cocoabutter lotion afterwards!and for scars use alcohol!
Reply:avoid shampoo going on your face
and keep skin moist and freshh like drinking water it could of been the sweat on your face from the heat its qiute hot today in england
Reply:Have you had a cold recently? Even if you aren't experiencing symptoms, this could be caused by a virus. My daughter has it. They doc. gave her an atibiotic. Maybe go to your primary physician. It's called igmatitis or something like that. I can't remember. It starts with igma. It might not be this, but it's a possibility. My daughter has had it for almost two weeks now, but I took her to the Doc. Friday so she has only been on the meds for 3 days, and now it is clearing right up.
Reply:You could search the Web MD site and see what it has to say about it. I know Lupus disease causes skin to get red and blotchy and it could be that. You could try a different doctor and see what he or she says about it. There are natural remedies for things and there are a lot of books about natural cures and remedies. Dr. Dean Edell is good, he has a site Health Central. I think you can ask questions there about it and he is on the radio and answers questions and it is a very interesting informative show.
Reply:The surest way is to cure first your constipation, have a no-fat diet, enough sleep, exercise and wash your face with plain clean water. Fat from soaps might aggravate your condition. My sister-in-law stopped using soap and her acne disappeared.
Reply:My wife daily washes her face with Green Tea. She hasn't had a pimple in years...
Drinking a cup of room temperature water every morning prevents clogging of the pores as well.
Thirdly, I would suggest to go to an allergist. Maybe there is something you are allergic to and don't know about it. Could be something in the air, something you eat, or even some cream/soap/etc..
If you are in doubt, seriously, aucupuncture works wonders when there is no other way out. The way they can correct the flow of CHI is amazing and really can work on almost anything!
Reply:stay away from soaps and wash your face with clearasil ultra.. its a daily face wash..
Reply:First of all start stop using any shampoo.wait for a few days to see if you still are getting new acnes or pimples whatever you have.Try to clean your face with fresh water and soap.Take warm steam on your face for atleast 10 mins everyday.Consider your self to limit eating chocolates.nuts or any fattening stuff.I am sure you would find result little later after some days.Good luck.
Reply:get expert advice from this site
Reply:Tazorac cream it ia a prescription. It really works, then get the CLINIQUE 3 step skin care and use it daily 2x per day.
Reply:Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to Skincare
Also read.......natural and homemade methods to:
Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hair removal/
Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair
Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness
Makeup/Hair styles
Reply: copy and paste that site. there is a face wash for acne prone skin. it works really good. It is a little high in price for a face wash, but it does work. It is also highly concentrated, so you dont need to use sooo much. Hopefully it will work for you !
Reply:Proactiv is awesome, it should do the trick. As for preventing scars, just don't pick at all!
Reply:Sound like my friend...Honestly proactive can be too harsh on most least thats what i think. my friend uses zenmed and her skins has clear up completely and is transparent....
Reply:Mary Kay products.. makes u think of girls but so many men use our acne treaters..
try it out.. 100% money back guarantee
Reply:you should pay more attention to two things:
1. what you eat - stay away from processed and oily food. stick with more natural fruits and veggies..
2. just as important - treat your skin! clean it daily with facial soap and cleansers (best are Dead Sea Products) also use weekly treatments like Dead Sea masks and Dead Sea facial creams.
Those Dead Sea products not only will clean your skin - they'll also balance your skin to be more healthy %26amp; bright.
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