i can put noting on my face like creams to get rid of my skin discoloration because it just gets worse, i dont really no what to do
My face is very dry and now i have a bad skin discoloration on my face?
Hi Jeremy,
Have you tried using moisturizer right after you bathe/shower? It'll keep retain moisture in your skin.
If it still continues, you might want to look into moisturizing creams, as those are usually richer and are designed for those who have very dry skin.
If it continues, you might want to consult a dermatologist. It might be eczema, which sometimes requires a prescription for a topical cream to get rid of the dryness and the discoloration.
Good luck! :)
Reply:I think I have the same problem before, My face was dry that the skin by my chin right under my lips was darker. I have used every cream and have also tried just using water to no success. I have tried Proactive Solution (the one you see on TV and in the Mall) and they work great. It also removes my acne and any dark mark from the acne before.
It works for me and I have recommended it to some of my friends that have facial skin problem and they just work.
Also, the good thing with Proactive is that you don't need to keep using it once it clears your skin unlike other products where the problems shows up again if you stop using their product.
Good Luck!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I want to use Nair for hair removal but I have sensitive skin?
I tried it on a small area on my leg and it burned like crazy!!!!!!
plus not that much hair came out. although some did.
maybe it's because my leg hairs were very short at the time and you need to wait for your hair to grow out before you use the cream? i don't know. maybe i just have sensitive skin. i guess that's my conclusion. not sure though.
I want to use Nair for hair removal but I have sensitive skin?
I have tried using nair a couple of times and everythime i do I break out in a rash with huge bumps. I do not use it anymore.I stick to shaving my legs.
Reply:try veet sensitive skin
it works the same
Reply:There is nair sensitive.
Reply:no! nair BURNS.
even the sensative kind might burn.
but yeah nair burnnnnsss for me at least and i dont even have sensitive skin..
oh and the burn lasts for a while. not to mention it smells wierd and its hard to get off.
really, go for veet.
Reply:Veet sensitive skin is good
plus not that much hair came out. although some did.
maybe it's because my leg hairs were very short at the time and you need to wait for your hair to grow out before you use the cream? i don't know. maybe i just have sensitive skin. i guess that's my conclusion. not sure though.
I want to use Nair for hair removal but I have sensitive skin?
I have tried using nair a couple of times and everythime i do I break out in a rash with huge bumps. I do not use it anymore.I stick to shaving my legs.
Reply:try veet sensitive skin
it works the same
Reply:There is nair sensitive.
Reply:no! nair BURNS.
even the sensative kind might burn.
but yeah nair burnnnnsss for me at least and i dont even have sensitive skin..
oh and the burn lasts for a while. not to mention it smells wierd and its hard to get off.
really, go for veet.
Reply:Veet sensitive skin is good
My face is very dry and now i have a bad skin discoloration on my face?
i can put noting on my face like creams to get rid of my skin discoloration because it just gets worse, i dont really no what to do
My face is very dry and now i have a bad skin discoloration on my face?
You should ask a dermatologist to help you with that asking here won't do anything unless a dermatologist goes on Yahoo Answers
My face is very dry and now i have a bad skin discoloration on my face?
You should ask a dermatologist to help you with that asking here won't do anything unless a dermatologist goes on Yahoo Answers
Weird skin rash that waxes and wanes?
For 6 mo, I have had a skin rash that comes and goes. It starts at on the palms, top of hand and wrist. Then I would get all those and then my arms a little bit. Then basically anywhere where I have tender skin (tops of feet, not bottom), across my pants line at my waist, chest, bra area, etc. My PCP is not concerned, just rx's me cream which works when not severe. Lately, I have been getting some hives with the rash, raised type of patches that Benadryl gets rid of. Just seems like rash is just getting worse as time goes on.
I take Zyrtec, Nexium and and just got off Paxil (oh the joys of withdrawal!) and am taking a different antidepressant. I have indoor/outdoor allergies (hence the Zyrtec) but I get the rash despite the Zyrtec! My doc just refills the cream and tells me to try to figure out what I am allergic to... could be food, could be many things. Any ideas? I can go a week w/out a flare up and then have either mild or moderate rash on any of the above mentioned parts.
Weird skin rash that waxes and wanes?
It sounds like an allergy. I'd go to a specialist (Allergist) and have some allergy testing done. PCP's aren't always up to date on allergies or testing for them.
I'm guessing that its probably a food that you eat rarely or that you rarely eat much of. If you do eat it often, its something in small doses that your zyrtec takes care of, but when you eat a lot of it your zyrtec can't handle it and you get your rashes.
If you have no insurance and cannot afford allergy testing, I would recommend that you keep a detailed food diary. The rash can be from anything that you've eaten in the last 72 hours prior to the rash starting, though generally it is something you've eaten that day. Keeping a food diary should help you eventually narrow down what is causing the problem.
I do think that its food or ingestion related (your need for Nexium and antidepressants could be due to this as well), as the rash happens on various parts of your body that would not be conclusive with a contact rash.
Wish you all the best.
Reply:I am wondering, exspecially when you say that it is like under your pant line and bra line. If it can be a reaction to laundry soap. The tops of the feet would explain it to because of socks. it is the tops of your hands that is throwing me off. unless you have your hands near the laundry soap.
I found that I could not take any of the allergy meds the insurance company made me take because they all contained loratodine which i was allergic too. The only thing I can take is allegera, and benydrl. They even make a pediatric allegra
I take Zyrtec, Nexium and and just got off Paxil (oh the joys of withdrawal!) and am taking a different antidepressant. I have indoor/outdoor allergies (hence the Zyrtec) but I get the rash despite the Zyrtec! My doc just refills the cream and tells me to try to figure out what I am allergic to... could be food, could be many things. Any ideas? I can go a week w/out a flare up and then have either mild or moderate rash on any of the above mentioned parts.
Weird skin rash that waxes and wanes?
It sounds like an allergy. I'd go to a specialist (Allergist) and have some allergy testing done. PCP's aren't always up to date on allergies or testing for them.
I'm guessing that its probably a food that you eat rarely or that you rarely eat much of. If you do eat it often, its something in small doses that your zyrtec takes care of, but when you eat a lot of it your zyrtec can't handle it and you get your rashes.
If you have no insurance and cannot afford allergy testing, I would recommend that you keep a detailed food diary. The rash can be from anything that you've eaten in the last 72 hours prior to the rash starting, though generally it is something you've eaten that day. Keeping a food diary should help you eventually narrow down what is causing the problem.
I do think that its food or ingestion related (your need for Nexium and antidepressants could be due to this as well), as the rash happens on various parts of your body that would not be conclusive with a contact rash.
Wish you all the best.
Reply:I am wondering, exspecially when you say that it is like under your pant line and bra line. If it can be a reaction to laundry soap. The tops of the feet would explain it to because of socks. it is the tops of your hands that is throwing me off. unless you have your hands near the laundry soap.
I found that I could not take any of the allergy meds the insurance company made me take because they all contained loratodine which i was allergic too. The only thing I can take is allegera, and benydrl. They even make a pediatric allegra
Anyone ever used labor boost cream?
I read about something called Labor Boost Cream for women who are at term, you rub it on your skin and it causes labor! It's made of all natural herbs.I thought it sounded pretty neat! Anyone ever heard of it or tried it?
Anyone ever used labor boost cream?
Yes, it's main property is Evening Primrose Oil. It's a prostiglandin that helps to ripen your cervix. It doesn't work LOL but if it makes you believe it works then go for it! It wont hurt either.
Reply:never heard of it and i wouldnt trust it
Reply:Save your money, and go for a walk instead.
paper bush
Anyone ever used labor boost cream?
Yes, it's main property is Evening Primrose Oil. It's a prostiglandin that helps to ripen your cervix. It doesn't work LOL but if it makes you believe it works then go for it! It wont hurt either.
Reply:never heard of it and i wouldnt trust it
Reply:Save your money, and go for a walk instead.
paper bush
Get rid of dry skin?
Ever since using Dove Sensitive Skin Soap on my face it has been dry and sore, no matter what cream i use, been like it for 4 days now and im sick of dry skin as i cant go back to school looking like a crocodile! i've recently been in the shower and used Clean %26amp; Clear Exfoliating Scrub and now my whole face is covered in dry skin! Any ideas to get rid of it?
Get rid of dry skin?
use neutragena face moisturizer twice a day and you'll see a huge improvement in your skin.
Reply:You may have had an allergic reaction to one or more of the products you used. At this point you should probably not use any kind of scrub or abrasive as it will just irritate your skin more. Wash gently (without hard scrubbing) with a light, gentle cleanser. Dermatologists recommend Cetaphil. Try not to touch or scratch your face as that might irritate your skin even more. If after a few days of very gentle treatment your skin does not improve then you probably need to see a dermatologist to treat the reaction.
Reply:these are really good at removing dry skin
you could also invest in a really good moisturiser, maybe one for sensitive skin.
Reply:try using a moisturizer just search around olay and ponds have cream for dry skin dont use bar soaps for washing your face if you dont have acne use a mild cleanser
Reply:Ok, hold fire on the exfoiliating until you've got a bit more moisture in your skin, you'll only make it worse. I have really dry skin on my face and don't use soap at all, it's not the right balance if you're prone to flaky skin. I use Cream E45, which is really rich, and put it on before I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning. Once you've done that for a few days, use a facecloth and gently rub to get rid of the excess skin.
I would also avoid make up if you can because that only dries it out more.
Reply:Dont exfoliate if u hav dry skin. It will only make it worse as it rubs off all the dead skin cells but also decreases the layers.
I used to have extreamly dry skin on my face near mii eyes, mouth and 4head and chin. i h8ed it. If u hav a LUSH store near u (luk on the lush webby) get the almond kisses lotion for your skin or sympathy for skin. Theyr great! if not go for E45 which u can get from any store, boots or superdrug...
drink plenty of water and hope dis helps hunii xxx
Reply:Haldens emulsifying base, its available from the chemist. It feels a little gross going on but its excellent in restoring the moisture in your skin. Its suitable for the entire body and is very cheap for a large container.
Reply:I use olay moisturiser and my face feels soft and moist.
Reply:Discontinue the use of any type of facial wash/exfoliate. the Neutrogena facial cream may work once the damage is healed, but right now it sounds like you need to let your face rest.
I had a really bad experience with a face wash once and the dermatologist prescribed 2.5 hydrocortizone ointment...it worked like a dream. That strength is not available over the counter, but the 1% ointment is and works just as well. Use it morning %26amp; night, it has to be the ointment not the cream...it's a little greasy (I would not wear foundation right now) but who cares!
Reply:Never, never, use soap on your face; my grandmother only ever used rose water to clean her skin, and she had beautiful soft skin until the day she died.
Exfoliating scrubs are fine, but only now and again; they are very hard on your skin, and all you are doing is taking the top layer off. Let your skin be for a while; if you still want to wash your face, you need a special facial wash that's gentle, it might be a case of experimenting with a few until you get the right one. Boots should have something for everyone. Too many products for young skin are drying and harsh; now is the time to start caring for it.
Drink plenty of water; %26amp; you might need some sort of supplement like cod liver oil if your skin is dry all over and not just your face. Also any product used on your face with water should be rinsed and rinsed in luke warm water, NOT hot and not ice cold either.
Reply:my only recommendation is try using Olay cold cream to wash you face with instead. When you open it up it will actually look like a moisturizer. Just rub it all over your face and use a wash cloth dipped in warm water to wipe it off. It will clean your face without making it dry. Olay as a lot of good products for the skin.... I believe its a white jar with a green cap.
Reply:use Vaseline, put it on before bedtime or just after a shower if your staying indoors that is,
do this for a week or so, your skin should be fine.
and get a face wash especially for sensitive skin, stop using dove
Reply:Don't use soap, most contain fragrance which can irritate the skin.
A great product is AQUEOUS CREAM, you can get a 500g jar for just a couple of pounds. You can use this to wash with - all over if you want - and to soften and sooth your skin.
Reply:maybe the skin care products that you have been using is not right for your skin. try all natural moisturizers and lotions, this can be suitable for any type of skin. also to keep the skin looking young try to avoid unhealthy habits like smoking, have proper diet, exercise, drink plenty of water, have enough sleep and rest. for more skin care tips that can help you get rid of dry skin visit http://www.skinsosilky.com
Reply:I had an allergic reaction to something in the summer and looked like I'd been punched in the face. Once the swelling had gone with anti histamines my skin was really dry and almost cracked. I used bio oil and not joking in a couple of days ws 100% better. So worth the money. When soreness had gone I used Simple exfoliating facial wipes - very gently - Dead skin has to go!
Reply:I cant use soap as its all made of lanolin.You have obviously had a reaction.Don't use an exfoliator your making things worse.Buy Simple face wash and moisturiser they both contains no irritants and are especially made for sensitive skin.Hopefully it will settle down.Good luck.
Get rid of dry skin?
use neutragena face moisturizer twice a day and you'll see a huge improvement in your skin.
Reply:You may have had an allergic reaction to one or more of the products you used. At this point you should probably not use any kind of scrub or abrasive as it will just irritate your skin more. Wash gently (without hard scrubbing) with a light, gentle cleanser. Dermatologists recommend Cetaphil. Try not to touch or scratch your face as that might irritate your skin even more. If after a few days of very gentle treatment your skin does not improve then you probably need to see a dermatologist to treat the reaction.
Reply:these are really good at removing dry skin
you could also invest in a really good moisturiser, maybe one for sensitive skin.
Reply:try using a moisturizer just search around olay and ponds have cream for dry skin dont use bar soaps for washing your face if you dont have acne use a mild cleanser
Reply:Ok, hold fire on the exfoiliating until you've got a bit more moisture in your skin, you'll only make it worse. I have really dry skin on my face and don't use soap at all, it's not the right balance if you're prone to flaky skin. I use Cream E45, which is really rich, and put it on before I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning. Once you've done that for a few days, use a facecloth and gently rub to get rid of the excess skin.
I would also avoid make up if you can because that only dries it out more.
Reply:Dont exfoliate if u hav dry skin. It will only make it worse as it rubs off all the dead skin cells but also decreases the layers.
I used to have extreamly dry skin on my face near mii eyes, mouth and 4head and chin. i h8ed it. If u hav a LUSH store near u (luk on the lush webby) get the almond kisses lotion for your skin or sympathy for skin. Theyr great! if not go for E45 which u can get from any store, boots or superdrug...
drink plenty of water and hope dis helps hunii xxx
Reply:Haldens emulsifying base, its available from the chemist. It feels a little gross going on but its excellent in restoring the moisture in your skin. Its suitable for the entire body and is very cheap for a large container.
Reply:I use olay moisturiser and my face feels soft and moist.
Reply:Discontinue the use of any type of facial wash/exfoliate. the Neutrogena facial cream may work once the damage is healed, but right now it sounds like you need to let your face rest.
I had a really bad experience with a face wash once and the dermatologist prescribed 2.5 hydrocortizone ointment...it worked like a dream. That strength is not available over the counter, but the 1% ointment is and works just as well. Use it morning %26amp; night, it has to be the ointment not the cream...it's a little greasy (I would not wear foundation right now) but who cares!
Reply:Never, never, use soap on your face; my grandmother only ever used rose water to clean her skin, and she had beautiful soft skin until the day she died.
Exfoliating scrubs are fine, but only now and again; they are very hard on your skin, and all you are doing is taking the top layer off. Let your skin be for a while; if you still want to wash your face, you need a special facial wash that's gentle, it might be a case of experimenting with a few until you get the right one. Boots should have something for everyone. Too many products for young skin are drying and harsh; now is the time to start caring for it.
Drink plenty of water; %26amp; you might need some sort of supplement like cod liver oil if your skin is dry all over and not just your face. Also any product used on your face with water should be rinsed and rinsed in luke warm water, NOT hot and not ice cold either.
Reply:my only recommendation is try using Olay cold cream to wash you face with instead. When you open it up it will actually look like a moisturizer. Just rub it all over your face and use a wash cloth dipped in warm water to wipe it off. It will clean your face without making it dry. Olay as a lot of good products for the skin.... I believe its a white jar with a green cap.
Reply:use Vaseline, put it on before bedtime or just after a shower if your staying indoors that is,
do this for a week or so, your skin should be fine.
and get a face wash especially for sensitive skin, stop using dove
Reply:Don't use soap, most contain fragrance which can irritate the skin.
A great product is AQUEOUS CREAM, you can get a 500g jar for just a couple of pounds. You can use this to wash with - all over if you want - and to soften and sooth your skin.
Reply:maybe the skin care products that you have been using is not right for your skin. try all natural moisturizers and lotions, this can be suitable for any type of skin. also to keep the skin looking young try to avoid unhealthy habits like smoking, have proper diet, exercise, drink plenty of water, have enough sleep and rest. for more skin care tips that can help you get rid of dry skin visit http://www.skinsosilky.com
Reply:I had an allergic reaction to something in the summer and looked like I'd been punched in the face. Once the swelling had gone with anti histamines my skin was really dry and almost cracked. I used bio oil and not joking in a couple of days ws 100% better. So worth the money. When soreness had gone I used Simple exfoliating facial wipes - very gently - Dead skin has to go!
Reply:I cant use soap as its all made of lanolin.You have obviously had a reaction.Don't use an exfoliator your making things worse.Buy Simple face wash and moisturiser they both contains no irritants and are especially made for sensitive skin.Hopefully it will settle down.Good luck.
Should I use cold cream???
I have skin of combination type. The peripheral parts of my face, i.e. skin near my ears and jaw are covered with acnes, acne scars and potential breakouts, while the front part of my face is still ok. Some said my oily skin is a result of the super-dry inner dermis i have. So i wonder if cold cream helps?
Should I use cold cream???
dont use any crem it will increase your problem. Do clean up at home first of all claen your face with astringent then give steam to your face for 5 to 6 min then with the help of blackhead remover take out all your black and white heads then wash your face with cold water then apply some good anti acne face pack your problem will stop. Clean your face atleast 4 to 5 times a day and clean your face with astringent before going to bed dont eat oily food,
Reply:Being you have acne I'd say don't try it.
It has a lot of oils in it - it's best for the eye make up
I'd suggest you find a solid acne regime -
The best system is Arbonne's clear advantage but if it is out of your price range I'd do the Acne Free -
before washing your face at night take a hot compress and apply, repeat -
also find a solid exfoliant twice a week (on a clean face)
and a deep cleaning acne mask once a week -
take vitamins a e and c orally -
Reply:Cold cream is a very heavy, greasy cream. It's great to remove makeup and costume makeup but I wouldn't use it on acne prone skin. Are you looking for something for your dry skin or to clear up the acne? Neutrogena products are very good. They have a line for regular skin (normal, dry, combination, oily, wrinkles) and an acne line of kits and treatments. They are very effective and gentle. I'm sure you could find something that would work well for you in either of these line for either of your skin problems.
Should I use cold cream???
dont use any crem it will increase your problem. Do clean up at home first of all claen your face with astringent then give steam to your face for 5 to 6 min then with the help of blackhead remover take out all your black and white heads then wash your face with cold water then apply some good anti acne face pack your problem will stop. Clean your face atleast 4 to 5 times a day and clean your face with astringent before going to bed dont eat oily food,
Reply:Being you have acne I'd say don't try it.
It has a lot of oils in it - it's best for the eye make up
I'd suggest you find a solid acne regime -
The best system is Arbonne's clear advantage but if it is out of your price range I'd do the Acne Free -
before washing your face at night take a hot compress and apply, repeat -
also find a solid exfoliant twice a week (on a clean face)
and a deep cleaning acne mask once a week -
take vitamins a e and c orally -
Reply:Cold cream is a very heavy, greasy cream. It's great to remove makeup and costume makeup but I wouldn't use it on acne prone skin. Are you looking for something for your dry skin or to clear up the acne? Neutrogena products are very good. They have a line for regular skin (normal, dry, combination, oily, wrinkles) and an acne line of kits and treatments. They are very effective and gentle. I'm sure you could find something that would work well for you in either of these line for either of your skin problems.
Does anybody know the name of the botox cream that was on America's Next Top Model and was on the Tyra Show?
It was a cream that worked like botox and froze the muscles underneath the skin and vanished expresssion lines immediatly?
Does anybody know the name of the botox cream that was on America's Next Top Model and was on the Tyra Show?
check her web site,,,most of her show recaps are always there.
Reply:Was it that one that Alessandra Abrosio used?
Does anybody know the name of the botox cream that was on America's Next Top Model and was on the Tyra Show?
check her web site,,,most of her show recaps are always there.
Reply:Was it that one that Alessandra Abrosio used?
Skin problem... read details please.?
For the past 10-15 years of my life, I have had this problem where the skin on the tip of my nose peels... it is always sort of reddened. It will start to heal and will look like a red bumb (sort of a mix between a blister and and zit starting under the skin) but then the skin kind of "cracks" and the peeling starts again. Sometimes it will heal for a few months at a time but then it always starts again. I have tried almost every cream on the market and use a very gentle cleanser. It will not go away and it is noticable- some people will comment that I have dry skin on my nose. Makeup makes it show up worse- sometimes it gets really sore. I have seen my internist and asked him to send me to a dermatologist but of course it is never bad when I go to see him so he won't send me... I think he thinks I am making it up... (doesn't taht always happen when you finally go to the doctor for a problem???) What could it be?
Skin problem... read details please.?
I'm not a specialist but I have worked for a doctor before...it kind of sounds like a skin cancer....if you CAN get into see the dermatologist he should be able to tell without it being "active". Maybe you need a different dermo...good luck
Reply:Get free tips to have a beautiful skin at http://www.hot8sites.com/acne/
Or see great links on skin at
Skin problem... read details please.?
I'm not a specialist but I have worked for a doctor before...it kind of sounds like a skin cancer....if you CAN get into see the dermatologist he should be able to tell without it being "active". Maybe you need a different dermo...good luck
Reply:Get free tips to have a beautiful skin at http://www.hot8sites.com/acne/
Or see great links on skin at
Skin problem... read details please.?
For the past 10-15 years of my life, I have had this problem where the skin on the tip of my nose peels... it is always sort of reddened. It will start to heal and will look like a red bumb (sort of a mix between a blister and and zit starting under the skin) but then the skin kind of "cracks" and the peeling starts again. Sometimes it will heal for a few months at a time but then it always starts again. I have tried almost every cream on the market and use a very gentle cleanser. It will not go away and it is noticable- some people will comment that I have dry skin on my nose. Makeup makes it show up worse- sometimes it gets really sore. I have seen my internist and asked him to send me to a dermatologist but of course it is never bad when I go to see him so he won't send me... I think he thinks I am making it up... (doesn't taht always happen when you finally go to the doctor for a problem???) What could it be?
Skin problem... read details please.?
I'm not a specialist but I have worked for a doctor before...it kind of sounds like a skin cancer....if you CAN get into see the dermatologist he should be able to tell without it being "active". Maybe you need a different dermo...good luck
Reply:Get free tips to have a beautiful skin at http://www.hot8sites.com/acne/
Or see great links on skin at
Skin problem... read details please.?
I'm not a specialist but I have worked for a doctor before...it kind of sounds like a skin cancer....if you CAN get into see the dermatologist he should be able to tell without it being "active". Maybe you need a different dermo...good luck
Reply:Get free tips to have a beautiful skin at http://www.hot8sites.com/acne/
Or see great links on skin at
Is cold cream safe to use while pregnant?
I usually use a cold cream such as Pond's to remove makeup and to generally cleanse my face. I have read that a pregnant woman should only use soap and water - but that is much too harsh for my skin, and so are most other facial cleansers. Can I still use my beloved cold cream? If not, does anyone have a recommendation?
Is cold cream safe to use while pregnant?
Cold creme is fine, but don't use the medicated cream.
I use Ponds as well now. Soaps are not the same as what they were 20 years ago except for Ivory. Which, by the way, is what you use if you start having problems with your skin (rashes) while pregnant. The deoderants in stuff like Irish Spring can give your skin problems during pregnancy. They go away with Ivory soap.
Reply:use olive oil instead
Reply:Yes, cold cream is fine to use. I think that you would only need to discontinue use if it was something prescribed from a dermatologist or something over the counter that was medicated. I have some Pond's dry skin cream sitting right here beside me that I use everyday!
Is cold cream safe to use while pregnant?
Cold creme is fine, but don't use the medicated cream.
I use Ponds as well now. Soaps are not the same as what they were 20 years ago except for Ivory. Which, by the way, is what you use if you start having problems with your skin (rashes) while pregnant. The deoderants in stuff like Irish Spring can give your skin problems during pregnancy. They go away with Ivory soap.
Reply:use olive oil instead
Reply:Yes, cold cream is fine to use. I think that you would only need to discontinue use if it was something prescribed from a dermatologist or something over the counter that was medicated. I have some Pond's dry skin cream sitting right here beside me that I use everyday!
Facial Cream ?
I am 29, my skin is a little sensitive and dry.
Any suggestions for cheap-good-natural facial cream please?
Thank you!
Facial Cream ?
Eucerin is awesome! I use the anti-wrinkle one and it is great. You can get it at your local grocery store or drugstore and it is only about 8-10 bucks. It's also natural I think so you are not overdoing it with chemicals and man-made solutions.
Reply:Cetaphil isn't that bad, and it's very cheap.
Reply:Hi Sam-
Sadly the word cheap and good don't usually come together.
I do suggest you try Arbonne - their regimes are wonderful and self adjust to every skin type (like you I am cheap) or would rather spend money on other things until I tried it -
my skin has never (ever) been better - it lasts nearly 8 months though so a little goes a long way - ???
I also took advantage of their discount which saved me a lot of $
A lot of the products out there contain to many things you do not want on your skin, going IN your body - %26lt;mineral oil%26gt;
so do read labels - the more pure and natural the better and often that costs more -
Reply:Well, for face wash, use Dove moisturizing Face wash. It really conditions, %26amp; makes your skin smooth. For moisture, after you have washed your face, try Ponds. It has a blue cap on it. Don't get the green cap. Use warm water when you wash your face, %26amp; pat it with the towel, don't rub it across your face.:) Hope this helps.....
Any suggestions for cheap-good-natural facial cream please?
Thank you!
Facial Cream ?
Eucerin is awesome! I use the anti-wrinkle one and it is great. You can get it at your local grocery store or drugstore and it is only about 8-10 bucks. It's also natural I think so you are not overdoing it with chemicals and man-made solutions.
Reply:Cetaphil isn't that bad, and it's very cheap.
Reply:Hi Sam-
Sadly the word cheap and good don't usually come together.
I do suggest you try Arbonne - their regimes are wonderful and self adjust to every skin type (like you I am cheap) or would rather spend money on other things until I tried it -
my skin has never (ever) been better - it lasts nearly 8 months though so a little goes a long way - ???
I also took advantage of their discount which saved me a lot of $
A lot of the products out there contain to many things you do not want on your skin, going IN your body - %26lt;mineral oil%26gt;
so do read labels - the more pure and natural the better and often that costs more -
Reply:Well, for face wash, use Dove moisturizing Face wash. It really conditions, %26amp; makes your skin smooth. For moisture, after you have washed your face, try Ponds. It has a blue cap on it. Don't get the green cap. Use warm water when you wash your face, %26amp; pat it with the towel, don't rub it across your face.:) Hope this helps.....
Horrible facial skin.... please help!?
I have horrible skin - I am light skinned, black, and have blackheads, some pimples, acne marks, and fine facial hair. My nose has blackheads, too. I have tried Proactive (it irritated my skin) and AcneFree. I use Cetaphil now and apply witch hazel afterwards and then a cream with Benzoyl Peroxide in it. I admit my diet isn't what it should be, but that's due to my living conditions (no fridge). I do take vitamins though. I am also not able to get to a derm b/c I am on welfare's medical coverage and all of the derms around me don't take it. The ones that do have offices too far and I have no way to get back and forth. So I am asking for those that KNOW to give me a regimen. Water, I know, but what else???? Please help. I sing and wanted to go on American Idol when it comes to a city near me (Philly) but not like this....
Horrible facial skin.... please help!?
See a skin care specialist, either a dermatologist or an esthetician. Dermatologists will usually prescribe medications and maybe a cleanser that will help with your problem. Estheticians will provide you with facial treatments geared towards your current skin condition. They will recommend products to use at home that will help clear your skin. Good luck!
Reply:This is what to do,
go to your local doctor tell him about your black heads and show him to. he will then give you some tablets to help them go. my sister has black heads to and the doctors help worked! give it a try! good luck! :D
Reply:Why dun try to use "Forever Living"? It's famous in worldwide %26amp; this brand is good for skin %26amp; health, my favor products are:
Eat %26amp; Drink: Aloe Drinks, Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly
Skin Care: All of them
Personal Care: Bright Tooth gel, Aloe MPD
Weight Loss: Garainia Plus, Lite Ultra
I use this brand around 2.5months, it’s really help me to improve my skin, less spots %26amp; pimples, click to SEE PHOTO http://hk.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/icutedi...
Products information, kindly check as below website %26amp; select country:
Hope can share with you %26amp; wish you have success business!
P.S. When you join Forever Living, pls fill in my sponsor number: 852000812602. Thanks!
lady slipper
Horrible facial skin.... please help!?
See a skin care specialist, either a dermatologist or an esthetician. Dermatologists will usually prescribe medications and maybe a cleanser that will help with your problem. Estheticians will provide you with facial treatments geared towards your current skin condition. They will recommend products to use at home that will help clear your skin. Good luck!
Reply:This is what to do,
go to your local doctor tell him about your black heads and show him to. he will then give you some tablets to help them go. my sister has black heads to and the doctors help worked! give it a try! good luck! :D
Reply:Why dun try to use "Forever Living"? It's famous in worldwide %26amp; this brand is good for skin %26amp; health, my favor products are:
Eat %26amp; Drink: Aloe Drinks, Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly
Skin Care: All of them
Personal Care: Bright Tooth gel, Aloe MPD
Weight Loss: Garainia Plus, Lite Ultra
I use this brand around 2.5months, it’s really help me to improve my skin, less spots %26amp; pimples, click to SEE PHOTO http://hk.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/icutedi...
Products information, kindly check as below website %26amp; select country:
Hope can share with you %26amp; wish you have success business!
P.S. When you join Forever Living, pls fill in my sponsor number: 852000812602. Thanks!
lady slipper
Is eye cream important?
my friend works with makeup and said every girl should use eye cream since its a sensitive area....is that true? I like taking care of my skin but all I do for my face is wash it and put on a regular lotion (cetaphil)...I'm 20 years old so I dont know if I should start using it or if I'm too young (but I like being in the sun and getting tan which I know isnt too good for your skin)...what does everyone use on their face?
Is eye cream important?
Always make sure to moisturize your face, including your eye lids. It is very sensitive skin. You may not feel a difference now, but skin care is long term and on going. people in their 20's should just make sure to moisturize using a lotion with spf 15 (which many creams have now). You'll be glad you did when the years pass and you have less sun spots and wrinkles.
I use Nivea Visage. They have creams for day and night.
Reply:yes it is true
u must use eye cream
Reply:Your at a perfect age to start using eye cream, and yes its very important, especially if you like to tan. The skin around your eye is more delicate then the rest of your face, and you should protect it. You should try something simple, like Nivea, its a classic. They have good eye creams and can be found at any drugstore.
Reply:Because you like being in the sun, it is essential that you wear sunscreen, including around the eye area.
This information on eye creams is taken from www.cosmeticscop.com :
Most women believe that eye creams are specially formulated for the skin around the eye area. Although the eye area does tend to be more prone to allergic or sensitizing reactions and often shows wrinkles before other areas of the face, it turns out that product formulations for eye creams don't differ from those for face products. There is no evidence, research, or documentation validating the claim that eye creams have special formulations setting them apart from other facial moisturizers. It only takes a quick look at the ingredient labels of any moisturizer or eye moisturizer to see that they don't differ except for the price and the tiny containers the eye creams come in. Eye creams are a whim of the cosmetics industry designed to evoke the sale of two products when only one is needed.
The only time you might want to use a different product around the eyes is if the skin there happens to indeed be different from the skin on the rest of the face. For example, if your face is normal to oily and doesn't require a moisturizer except occasionally on the cheeks or around the eyes, then an emollient, well-formulated moisturizer of any kind will work beautifully.
Ironically, one of the drawbacks of many so-called eye creams is that they rarely contain sunscreen. For daytime, that makes most eye creams a serious problem for the health of skin. You could believe that you were doing something special for your eyes, but you would actually be putting them at risk of sun damage and wrinkling by using an eye cream without sunscreen. This is another example of the way cosmetics marketing and misleading information can waste your money and hurt your skin.
Reply:try a cheaper one and do not use it at night before bed, cause usually you will wake up with puffy eyes..i have tried many and I do not believe that using it makes any difference at all...try to stay away from sleeping with moisturisers on, your skin gets confused if you use them at night and it upsets the moisture balance and natural oil production of your skin..OK
Is eye cream important?
Always make sure to moisturize your face, including your eye lids. It is very sensitive skin. You may not feel a difference now, but skin care is long term and on going. people in their 20's should just make sure to moisturize using a lotion with spf 15 (which many creams have now). You'll be glad you did when the years pass and you have less sun spots and wrinkles.
I use Nivea Visage. They have creams for day and night.
Reply:yes it is true
u must use eye cream
Reply:Your at a perfect age to start using eye cream, and yes its very important, especially if you like to tan. The skin around your eye is more delicate then the rest of your face, and you should protect it. You should try something simple, like Nivea, its a classic. They have good eye creams and can be found at any drugstore.
Reply:Because you like being in the sun, it is essential that you wear sunscreen, including around the eye area.
This information on eye creams is taken from www.cosmeticscop.com :
Most women believe that eye creams are specially formulated for the skin around the eye area. Although the eye area does tend to be more prone to allergic or sensitizing reactions and often shows wrinkles before other areas of the face, it turns out that product formulations for eye creams don't differ from those for face products. There is no evidence, research, or documentation validating the claim that eye creams have special formulations setting them apart from other facial moisturizers. It only takes a quick look at the ingredient labels of any moisturizer or eye moisturizer to see that they don't differ except for the price and the tiny containers the eye creams come in. Eye creams are a whim of the cosmetics industry designed to evoke the sale of two products when only one is needed.
The only time you might want to use a different product around the eyes is if the skin there happens to indeed be different from the skin on the rest of the face. For example, if your face is normal to oily and doesn't require a moisturizer except occasionally on the cheeks or around the eyes, then an emollient, well-formulated moisturizer of any kind will work beautifully.
Ironically, one of the drawbacks of many so-called eye creams is that they rarely contain sunscreen. For daytime, that makes most eye creams a serious problem for the health of skin. You could believe that you were doing something special for your eyes, but you would actually be putting them at risk of sun damage and wrinkling by using an eye cream without sunscreen. This is another example of the way cosmetics marketing and misleading information can waste your money and hurt your skin.
Reply:try a cheaper one and do not use it at night before bed, cause usually you will wake up with puffy eyes..i have tried many and I do not believe that using it makes any difference at all...try to stay away from sleeping with moisturisers on, your skin gets confused if you use them at night and it upsets the moisture balance and natural oil production of your skin..OK
Dry skin on baby's face officially out of control?
We've been dealing with cradle cap for the last 4 weeks. I clear up one area and another breaks out (baby is 10 wks). Tried olive and mineral oil, and Canesten cream to remove scales but it wont go for good. Tried headn'shoulders, just bought Gentle Naturals. The rest of his face has been extremely dry, he is covered in white flaky skin - covered! his skin feels like sand paper! I've tried olive oil and Aveeno collodial oatmeal. I just bought some eucerin cream last night and Johnson's soothe and protect balm. Now this morning I notice a very dark red patch on his cheek - the size of a quarter. I put some of the balm on it but I can see what looks like wee little blisters? Does this sound like eczema? What's next??......
I tried to see my doctor yesterday but she's not back until Tuesday (we'll go then) but I'm afraid of what will happen over the next 3 days...every day his face is getting worse. What can I do? what am I doing wrong? panicking big time!
thanks, Marina
Dry skin on baby's face officially out of control?
it does sound like eczema
my baby has the same thing!
i asked my health visitor about it and she give me a prescription for Oilatum cream for eczema and itchy irritating dry skin conditions.
i couldnt believe how well it worked!
i applied it four times a day and after 2-3 days it was gone!
you should ask about it even at the baby clinic.
its worth it.
i tried everything else and nothing would work!
you can also get it as bath oil as well.
i hope this helped!
Reply:If you are breastfeeding, try using breastmilk! Sounds weird, I know, but it has loads of fat which is really easily absorbed by the baby's skin and also had antibiotic properties to prevent infections. You also know he isn't being exposed to any nasty chemicals.
In Australia we also have great stuff called Pawpaw ointment. It's really thick and sticky and will make the sheets a bit greasy for a while, but you put that in, allow it to soak in for a day then brush it out gently with a soft brush. It should take a lot of the flakes with it.
I mostly used olive oil for my daughter's cradle cap, but if it doesn't work for you, then I suggest you try these options.
Reply:I bathed my children in babies Oil and once aweek washed their hair in it,Now my daughters do the same with their children,It works,Plus stops flies on face if you keep a bottle in your bag,to just wipe on their faces...Also for rashes on their back side use paw paw clean get it from the health shop.I hope this helps.
Reply:First stop the madness of all the products - many you mention are not designed for babies at all.
Cradle cap is something that just reoccurs for awhile. The best way I found to deal with it is to cut back on washings etc. I only washed his hair about once per week and then used an extremely soft baby hair brush to brush away loose flakes. The natural oils in his skin got the chance to kick in an work the way they should.
For the face, stop with all the creams etc right now. Just use water and a very, very soft washcloth when you need to. Then run a very fine barrier of petroleum jelly over the sensitive areas of the skin.
Don't be tempted to mess about anymore. The blisters etc. that you mention are probably there because of all the chemical's you've introduced to your baby's skin.
I know cradle cap looks awful, but it does not hurt the baby a bit and it's something that they grow out of eventually. It's you that has to accept this and make the committment to not be freaked out by it. Good luck, I know it's not easy.
Reply:Try just using nothing and leaving it alone. It seems maybe the products used maybe just making I worse.
Reply:What a chemical cocktail!!!
No wonder his skin is bad it is being poisoned by all these mixtures. Wash them all off and leave it alone.
See the doctor when you can and never mix creams, especially not all that lot!
Reply:For dry skin, use a creamy cleanser to melt away dirt. Leave it on your skin before sweeping it away with cotton wool. Splash cold water onto your face to clean and refresh your skin. Use a thick cream moisturizer to seal in as much moisture as possible and have a refreshing feel.check out http://tipsfromruby-skincare.blogspot.co...
Reply:In most cases, dry skin problems respond well to self-care measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths. If you have very dry and scaly skin, your doctor may recommend you use an all-natural cream that contains natural oils that gives soothing and glowing results.
I believe http://www.skinsosilky.com/ will help you best for more advices, ideas and best treatments for any skin problem like dry skin.
We've been dealing with cradle cap for the last 4 weeks. I clear up one area and another breaks out (baby is 10 wks). Tried olive and mineral oil, and Canesten cream to remove scales but it wont go for good. Tried headn'shoulders, just bought Gentle Naturals. The rest of his face has been extremely dry, he is covered in white flaky skin - covered! his skin feels like sand paper! I've tried olive oil and Aveeno collodial oatmeal. I just bought some eucerin cream last night and Johnson's soothe and protect balm. Now this morning I notice a very dark red patch on his cheek - the size of a quarter. I put some of the balm on it but I can see what looks like wee little blisters? Does this sound like eczema? What's next??......
I tried to see my doctor yesterday but she's not back until Tuesday (we'll go then) but I'm afraid of what will happen over the next 3 days...every day his face is getting worse. What can I do? what am I doing wrong? panicking big time!
thanks, Marina
Dry skin on baby's face officially out of control?
it does sound like eczema
my baby has the same thing!
i asked my health visitor about it and she give me a prescription for Oilatum cream for eczema and itchy irritating dry skin conditions.
i couldnt believe how well it worked!
i applied it four times a day and after 2-3 days it was gone!
you should ask about it even at the baby clinic.
its worth it.
i tried everything else and nothing would work!
you can also get it as bath oil as well.
i hope this helped!
Reply:If you are breastfeeding, try using breastmilk! Sounds weird, I know, but it has loads of fat which is really easily absorbed by the baby's skin and also had antibiotic properties to prevent infections. You also know he isn't being exposed to any nasty chemicals.
In Australia we also have great stuff called Pawpaw ointment. It's really thick and sticky and will make the sheets a bit greasy for a while, but you put that in, allow it to soak in for a day then brush it out gently with a soft brush. It should take a lot of the flakes with it.
I mostly used olive oil for my daughter's cradle cap, but if it doesn't work for you, then I suggest you try these options.
Reply:I bathed my children in babies Oil and once aweek washed their hair in it,Now my daughters do the same with their children,It works,Plus stops flies on face if you keep a bottle in your bag,to just wipe on their faces...Also for rashes on their back side use paw paw clean get it from the health shop.I hope this helps.
Reply:First stop the madness of all the products - many you mention are not designed for babies at all.
Cradle cap is something that just reoccurs for awhile. The best way I found to deal with it is to cut back on washings etc. I only washed his hair about once per week and then used an extremely soft baby hair brush to brush away loose flakes. The natural oils in his skin got the chance to kick in an work the way they should.
For the face, stop with all the creams etc right now. Just use water and a very, very soft washcloth when you need to. Then run a very fine barrier of petroleum jelly over the sensitive areas of the skin.
Don't be tempted to mess about anymore. The blisters etc. that you mention are probably there because of all the chemical's you've introduced to your baby's skin.
I know cradle cap looks awful, but it does not hurt the baby a bit and it's something that they grow out of eventually. It's you that has to accept this and make the committment to not be freaked out by it. Good luck, I know it's not easy.
Reply:Try just using nothing and leaving it alone. It seems maybe the products used maybe just making I worse.
Reply:What a chemical cocktail!!!
No wonder his skin is bad it is being poisoned by all these mixtures. Wash them all off and leave it alone.
See the doctor when you can and never mix creams, especially not all that lot!
Reply:For dry skin, use a creamy cleanser to melt away dirt. Leave it on your skin before sweeping it away with cotton wool. Splash cold water onto your face to clean and refresh your skin. Use a thick cream moisturizer to seal in as much moisture as possible and have a refreshing feel.check out http://tipsfromruby-skincare.blogspot.co...
Reply:In most cases, dry skin problems respond well to self-care measures, such as using moisturizers and avoiding long, hot showers and baths. If you have very dry and scaly skin, your doctor may recommend you use an all-natural cream that contains natural oils that gives soothing and glowing results.
I believe http://www.skinsosilky.com/ will help you best for more advices, ideas and best treatments for any skin problem like dry skin.
Differin, NeoStrata, ProActive...?? my poor skin!!?
I dont suffer with acne as such, mainly congested skin(blackheads, milia) on my T-zone and cheeks. I know if I use harsh products or products that are wrong for my skin type I break out in pimples. I have used ProActive for about 2years and I thought it was good for getting rid of pimples but it didnt do anything for the blackheads/milia. So I went to the dermatologist, she told me to use NeoStrata and Differin cream and lay off the mechanical scrubs. I've used them for 2weeks and my skin is peeling and it feels like it either needs to be exfoliated with a scrub or something is irritating my skin. I looked on the Differin website and it said not to use Differin with other skin products containing glycolic acid etc... but thats what's in NeoSrata!!? I'm so fed up with spending money on skincare products that dont work. I'm worried all these harsh chemicals are destroying my skin. Any advice? Do I continue with the Differin? Stop the NeoStrata? What elseshould I use? :(
Differin, NeoStrata, ProActive...?? my poor skin!!?
i have the same problem you do. I used to use acne and my blackheads where still there. And it's so expensive! But there's this stuff at like Costco and it's called Acne Free and it's like half as expensive as Proactive and it gets rid of EVERYTHING.
good luck :]
Reply:I'd stop both. It sounds like the medication is majorly harshing on your skin. I would just use a combination blackhead/whitehead cleanser.(I know you said you only really get blackheads, but it's good to prevent!)
Reply:i used to use differins and it worked great and i did use it with obagia[ how ever it is spelled] in the first two weeks your skin does get really dry and seems to be getting worse. but this is just because it is getting all the yuck out. in about three weeks my skin was the clearest it has been in months. but i got lazy and stopped. but i also discovered the new love of my life Pan Oxyl. there is a bar of soap and a cream. this really helps with the shiny in the t zone. wash your face twice a day with the soap and apply the cream at night. it is over the counter. people always ask me how i cleared my complexion up. a little girl i babysit asked me where my pimples went :). I've been using it for about a year and it is the best thing i have found.
Differin, NeoStrata, ProActive...?? my poor skin!!?
i have the same problem you do. I used to use acne and my blackheads where still there. And it's so expensive! But there's this stuff at like Costco and it's called Acne Free and it's like half as expensive as Proactive and it gets rid of EVERYTHING.
good luck :]
Reply:I'd stop both. It sounds like the medication is majorly harshing on your skin. I would just use a combination blackhead/whitehead cleanser.(I know you said you only really get blackheads, but it's good to prevent!)
Reply:i used to use differins and it worked great and i did use it with obagia[ how ever it is spelled] in the first two weeks your skin does get really dry and seems to be getting worse. but this is just because it is getting all the yuck out. in about three weeks my skin was the clearest it has been in months. but i got lazy and stopped. but i also discovered the new love of my life Pan Oxyl. there is a bar of soap and a cream. this really helps with the shiny in the t zone. wash your face twice a day with the soap and apply the cream at night. it is over the counter. people always ask me how i cleared my complexion up. a little girl i babysit asked me where my pimples went :). I've been using it for about a year and it is the best thing i have found.
Wat can i use to brighten my skin?my whole body?
like wat should i eat or is there any cream to use?dont say nothing about michael j. but yea my skin tone is uneven and yellow is there anything i can eat or anything at walmart or walgreens that will help . any cream plz i need help thnx
Wat can i use to brighten my skin?my whole body?
Reply:It works to put lemon juice all over body, and tan. Good luck.
(otherwise just get a spray tan, or tanning cream, which will make you look not only bronze, but unyellow.)
Reply:Cocoa butter lotion is used to even out your skin tone... so you should try that. If that doesn't work, apply some virgin olive oil to your skin.
Reply:Milk smooths the skin, builds stronger bones, and all that jazz.
Reply:I would suggest a body glow product..Will make your skin tone better and firmer as well as make it glow..They have these at www.youravon.com/danellechase as well as I think Walmart sales a new one made by Jergens but I have not had a chance to try it because most I have tried at walmart had bronzer in it and caused me to turn orange so far i have not turned colors with Avon Products..HTH
Reply:Sorry, but the juice thing is not a good idea. You might get redness and irritation. You need to get a skincare product with the active ingredient Hydroquinone. It is an ingredient that lightens, brightens, and evens out even the most sallow of skin tones. Sephora carries quality products in a variety of price ranges. If you go to a drugstore, look for that ingredient. For general safety: Don't use it if you are pregnant.
Reply:OLAY GLOW LOTION, i use it and love it.
Reply:I found a great skin care product that was developed by a plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills. He had a child with severe burns and came up with this product to help his child’s skin. It is reasonably priced and is the same quality you would get from a dermatologist, or an aestheticians office! Learn more about it here: http://TinyWebLink.com/?pid=1478690
I hope you like it as much as I do!
Wat can i use to brighten my skin?my whole body?
Reply:It works to put lemon juice all over body, and tan. Good luck.
(otherwise just get a spray tan, or tanning cream, which will make you look not only bronze, but unyellow.)
Reply:Cocoa butter lotion is used to even out your skin tone... so you should try that. If that doesn't work, apply some virgin olive oil to your skin.
Reply:Milk smooths the skin, builds stronger bones, and all that jazz.
Reply:I would suggest a body glow product..Will make your skin tone better and firmer as well as make it glow..They have these at www.youravon.com/danellechase as well as I think Walmart sales a new one made by Jergens but I have not had a chance to try it because most I have tried at walmart had bronzer in it and caused me to turn orange so far i have not turned colors with Avon Products..HTH
Reply:Sorry, but the juice thing is not a good idea. You might get redness and irritation. You need to get a skincare product with the active ingredient Hydroquinone. It is an ingredient that lightens, brightens, and evens out even the most sallow of skin tones. Sephora carries quality products in a variety of price ranges. If you go to a drugstore, look for that ingredient. For general safety: Don't use it if you are pregnant.
Reply:OLAY GLOW LOTION, i use it and love it.
Reply:I found a great skin care product that was developed by a plastic surgeon from Beverly Hills. He had a child with severe burns and came up with this product to help his child’s skin. It is reasonably priced and is the same quality you would get from a dermatologist, or an aestheticians office! Learn more about it here: http://TinyWebLink.com/?pid=1478690
I hope you like it as much as I do!
Where do i get medication for skin fungus?
does anyone know a good cream or pill that i can buy over the counter for skin fungus??
Where do i get medication for skin fungus?
This Merck site will tell you about drugs for fungus and the side effects.
Reply:it all depends what kind of fungus u have
the best one i could advise is LAMISIL. it fights in all aspect of skin fungus's such as skin infections, ringworms, skin rash's and other causes of itchy skin
Reply:Lamisil is a very good one. You can buy it at any pharmacy in the "foot care" section. Maybe you should see a dermatologist about the fungus as well.
Reply:Check out an article which provides some suggestions for treatment.
Where do i get medication for skin fungus?
This Merck site will tell you about drugs for fungus and the side effects.
Reply:it all depends what kind of fungus u have
the best one i could advise is LAMISIL. it fights in all aspect of skin fungus's such as skin infections, ringworms, skin rash's and other causes of itchy skin
Reply:Lamisil is a very good one. You can buy it at any pharmacy in the "foot care" section. Maybe you should see a dermatologist about the fungus as well.
Reply:Check out an article which provides some suggestions for treatment.
Darken skin colour at both corners of my mouth?
Ive raised this question before about why are the corner of my mouth darken/pigmented. Its been going on for over 7 months now. Ive tried to ingest vitamins (thinking of was B dificiency) and apply some sort of moisturizer given by a skin doctor but its still useless. I even tried to apply some anti fungal cream thinking it was some softa fungal infection but to no avail.
These darken/pigmented skin color on the corner of my mouth has kinda made my mouth look wider and they tend to be most prominent in the morning when I wake up and after a meal. I am really lost and I wanna make this better but I have ran out of idea. Help!
Darken skin colour at both corners of my mouth?
maybe its hormonal......Some pregnant women get spots like that on their faces because of a rise in hormones.....I suggest you go to the dermatologist and have some tests done and go from there
Reply:some times allergic reaction for lipstick or lip gloss are the causes of pigmentation.pl consult skin specialist
Reply:I had the same condition before, but it had gotten better without me realizing it, when I just got tired and not put it as a priority. But I'm sure partly due to my moisturizer (Clarins Bright Plus System) which was created to reduce dark spots on the face. (FYI: the system only work to a certain point, so don't waste over a hundred dollar on it just to try it.) Anyway, my point is that moisturizer can help, but since you already tried that, forget it. Also, foundations can help cover up and your mouth would not look so wide.
One last thing I used that probably worked somewhat was Proactiv Skin Whitening Cream. Proactiv now have stands in malls, so you can get that whitening cream there. It's created to whiten post-acne spots, but it works with the mouth corners too.
These darken/pigmented skin color on the corner of my mouth has kinda made my mouth look wider and they tend to be most prominent in the morning when I wake up and after a meal. I am really lost and I wanna make this better but I have ran out of idea. Help!
Darken skin colour at both corners of my mouth?
maybe its hormonal......Some pregnant women get spots like that on their faces because of a rise in hormones.....I suggest you go to the dermatologist and have some tests done and go from there
Reply:some times allergic reaction for lipstick or lip gloss are the causes of pigmentation.pl consult skin specialist
Reply:I had the same condition before, but it had gotten better without me realizing it, when I just got tired and not put it as a priority. But I'm sure partly due to my moisturizer (Clarins Bright Plus System) which was created to reduce dark spots on the face. (FYI: the system only work to a certain point, so don't waste over a hundred dollar on it just to try it.) Anyway, my point is that moisturizer can help, but since you already tried that, forget it. Also, foundations can help cover up and your mouth would not look so wide.
One last thing I used that probably worked somewhat was Proactiv Skin Whitening Cream. Proactiv now have stands in malls, so you can get that whitening cream there. It's created to whiten post-acne spots, but it works with the mouth corners too.
Dove body silk cream vs Nivea moisturizing cream....which one is better ?
I was using Nivea cream on my body until I found Dove body silk. Now dove does give my skin a silkier feeling than nivea, but which one is the most moisturizing?
Thank you for answering if you've tried BOTH creams, or know info on both!
Dove body silk cream vs Nivea moisturizing cream....which one is better ?
Dove is better it makes your skins soft and have a nice scent.
Reply:Dove for sure
Reply:ive tried both also but to tell you the truth i just recently started using a new lotion and it works really well.. its lubraderm! try it.
Thank you for answering if you've tried BOTH creams, or know info on both!
Dove body silk cream vs Nivea moisturizing cream....which one is better ?
Dove is better it makes your skins soft and have a nice scent.
Reply:Dove for sure
Reply:ive tried both also but to tell you the truth i just recently started using a new lotion and it works really well.. its lubraderm! try it.
What is the difference between shower gel and Cream bath?
If we use cream bath( bubble bath) as shower gel, does it damage our skin?
What is the difference between shower gel and Cream bath?
I accidentally bought some palmolive bubble bath instead of shower gel recently. I checked the ingredients list to see if there was anything in it that's not in the shower gel I used before, and found that it was absolutely identical, word for word. It felt slightly more watery though, so I guess it must have a bit more water in it (which if anything will make it better for your skin). As the bath stuff is much cheaper, I've carried on using it in the shower.
Reply:no. if it did, it wouldnt be sold.
its not the best thing to use to clean your skin, but it will make you smell nice.
Reply:nah coz its in the bath water anyway so makes no difference
Reply:The former is a liquid form of soap that you apply directly to your skin. The latter is for pouring under running water to create bubbles in the bath. I wouldn't use bath foam directly on the skin.
Reply:no its just for the bath and makes your skin more creamy and the gel just cleans it and makes it a little soft
Reply:Might not be a good idea to use bubble bath, cream bath direct on skin.. meant to be diluted by water. whereas shower gel goes straight on body.
Reply:according to my opinion there aren't any different it's not important what but it's more important the quality
Reply:No it doesnt damage your skin its just designed to create bubbles
Reply:effectiveness and moisturising qualities. shower gel makes you cleaner, but doesn't moisturise as well. creme bath isn't a very effective cleaner, but it makes you much more moisturised as it is in contact with your skin for much longer.
What is the difference between shower gel and Cream bath?
I accidentally bought some palmolive bubble bath instead of shower gel recently. I checked the ingredients list to see if there was anything in it that's not in the shower gel I used before, and found that it was absolutely identical, word for word. It felt slightly more watery though, so I guess it must have a bit more water in it (which if anything will make it better for your skin). As the bath stuff is much cheaper, I've carried on using it in the shower.
Reply:no. if it did, it wouldnt be sold.
its not the best thing to use to clean your skin, but it will make you smell nice.
Reply:nah coz its in the bath water anyway so makes no difference
Reply:The former is a liquid form of soap that you apply directly to your skin. The latter is for pouring under running water to create bubbles in the bath. I wouldn't use bath foam directly on the skin.
Reply:no its just for the bath and makes your skin more creamy and the gel just cleans it and makes it a little soft
Reply:Might not be a good idea to use bubble bath, cream bath direct on skin.. meant to be diluted by water. whereas shower gel goes straight on body.
Reply:according to my opinion there aren't any different it's not important what but it's more important the quality
Reply:No it doesnt damage your skin its just designed to create bubbles
Reply:effectiveness and moisturising qualities. shower gel makes you cleaner, but doesn't moisturise as well. creme bath isn't a very effective cleaner, but it makes you much more moisturised as it is in contact with your skin for much longer.
Help with odd skin and pimples (treatments make it worse)?
i have a rather annoying problem...i dont have really bad acne or anything, just a few spots on chin and forehead. but theyre often big red and painful. and no matter what i put on them, it seems to make it worse rather then better. for example, i got benzyl peroxide cream and use it on pimples. but if i get even a little on skin that doesnt already have a pimple, one pops up. same with other acne creams, or herbal remedies...its really annoying, cause i cant use face washes or anything to actually PREVENT them. can only spot reduce when theyre all big and already ick. im wondering if anyone can recommend what to do? or why this happens? any help would be oh so appreciated!
Help with odd skin and pimples (treatments make it worse)?
I think the problem is bacteria in your skin. Those pimples are a sign that you have constant problems with acne. Bacteria is inside and your body is dealing with it all the time. That's why sometimes they are bigger sometimes smaller, depends on how strong is your body's immune system at the time. But the fact that it doesn't go away means you need to help your body to deal with it permanently.
Also you said when you used certain treatments more pimples came out. This could be that bacteria is already inside just you can't see the acne with your eyes. And when you used products it all came out.
You should know that when I start treatments acne is always more severe in first few days when the skin is clearing. Then it gets better and better and eventually it's gone for good. My treatment is natural and kinda special so I can't really talk about it over the internet because I need to see the skin with my own eyes and check many facts before I start. No 2 persons have the same skin so my treatment is always different from person to person, but I always try to deal with the root of the problem not just with acne.
But what I can tell you is this. Acne is a sign that something inside the body isn't working as it should. Our skin is the first indicator of body's energy imbalance. Weak body's immune system. Lack of certain nutrition. Or unhealthy lifestyle. It can also be genetics.
So I don't know the reason for you. But there's much you can do to help your own body deal with acne. And believe me, no product is as good dealing with acne as your own body.
1. Drink clear water. No soda drinks no sugar added drinks. Clear water is what your body need for proper functionality. If you were used to drink soda or other drinks try and drink just clear water. Effects on acne will be seen in months. Our body has a delay. When we live unhealthy it takes time for problems to show on our skin, same goes when we live healthy. It takes time before positive effects are seen. Water can help, if it was the root problem for acne.
2. Daily workout routine. This is essential because your body needs good blood flow in areas where acne is forming. So more nutrition gets there, more anti-body cells to kill the bacteria and more toxins get flushed away when needed. Remember to clean your face with clear water (no soap) after the exercise because sweat can cause acne too. Effects are seen in weeks.
3. Healthy lifestyle! This is the most important. Healthy food, reduce stress, relaxing activities. And your mental condition. Depressions and constant stress causes eventually causes acne breakouts. It also causes hormonal inbalances and metabolism problems. Effects are seen in months. But change of lifestyle is a permanent solution to many problems not just acne. Your body and you will always be grateful for any little effort you put into changing your lifestyle to be of better quality!
4. Highly recommended product to help fight with acne is ClearPores : http://www.clearpores.com/clicks/clickth...
It's natural, causes no side effects and deals with acne where it forms. That means from the inside and out. It totally outranks any other products on the market.
Hope my advice helped. If you have more questions I'll be glad to answer. You can check my website at http://www.easynaturalyou.com -- find my contact info and write me an email.
For nutritional help to deal with acne I only help personally because I need more info about your lifestyle and if possible photos of skin. But it can be arranged.
Good Luck!
Reply:I used to get acne and go to the dermatologist and the Rx med would only work for a short time and then the problem would worsen. I started making my own products and they have worked. Email me at chanamolet@yahoo.com and i will direct you to my website where you can purchase the items that i make to control your acne and blemishes. Believe me they will work!!!!
Reply:Honey is a natural antiseptic, but has soothing properties. I don't want to tell you to do something that will make your skin worse, but if you've already tried other things, then that's what I would suggest. Steaming your face a few times a week might help also.
Reply:Try putting tea tree oil on your skin before bed each night. Its a natural antiseptic - the chemicals seem to do more harm than good. pure oil is the best. hope that helps!
Reply:he products you are using, are they Salsylic Acid or Benzoyl peroxide? BP can be VERY drying. I personally like SA better. Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! Try finding a face lotion with SA in it. Clean and Clear has a good moisturizer with SA and it helps keep pimples at bay. It is only about $5 a bottle and lasts about 2 months and you can get it at your local store. I have used this in the past and it works well. Personally, I use Biore products (which you get over the counter. Their products range from $5-$10). They are harsh on pimples, but not on your face.
Personally, Proactive didn't work for me. I have been using Biore products for over a year and I hardly ever break out! Occasionally I will get one or two, but nothing bad. I use Biore Ice Cleanser and warming facial scrub every morning. And then 3-4 day s a week I use Biore purging pore cream scrub. For body acne I use Neutrogena acne body wash I never break out on my body. It gets 110 in summer so sweat in inevitably, yet I never break out. Give it a try. All of it is cheap too. About $5-10 depending on what you buy! Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! I think you will just need to experiment with products until you find what works for you. Remember, it can take 1 month for products to fully begin working! Good Luck!
night jasmine
Help with odd skin and pimples (treatments make it worse)?
I think the problem is bacteria in your skin. Those pimples are a sign that you have constant problems with acne. Bacteria is inside and your body is dealing with it all the time. That's why sometimes they are bigger sometimes smaller, depends on how strong is your body's immune system at the time. But the fact that it doesn't go away means you need to help your body to deal with it permanently.
Also you said when you used certain treatments more pimples came out. This could be that bacteria is already inside just you can't see the acne with your eyes. And when you used products it all came out.
You should know that when I start treatments acne is always more severe in first few days when the skin is clearing. Then it gets better and better and eventually it's gone for good. My treatment is natural and kinda special so I can't really talk about it over the internet because I need to see the skin with my own eyes and check many facts before I start. No 2 persons have the same skin so my treatment is always different from person to person, but I always try to deal with the root of the problem not just with acne.
But what I can tell you is this. Acne is a sign that something inside the body isn't working as it should. Our skin is the first indicator of body's energy imbalance. Weak body's immune system. Lack of certain nutrition. Or unhealthy lifestyle. It can also be genetics.
So I don't know the reason for you. But there's much you can do to help your own body deal with acne. And believe me, no product is as good dealing with acne as your own body.
1. Drink clear water. No soda drinks no sugar added drinks. Clear water is what your body need for proper functionality. If you were used to drink soda or other drinks try and drink just clear water. Effects on acne will be seen in months. Our body has a delay. When we live unhealthy it takes time for problems to show on our skin, same goes when we live healthy. It takes time before positive effects are seen. Water can help, if it was the root problem for acne.
2. Daily workout routine. This is essential because your body needs good blood flow in areas where acne is forming. So more nutrition gets there, more anti-body cells to kill the bacteria and more toxins get flushed away when needed. Remember to clean your face with clear water (no soap) after the exercise because sweat can cause acne too. Effects are seen in weeks.
3. Healthy lifestyle! This is the most important. Healthy food, reduce stress, relaxing activities. And your mental condition. Depressions and constant stress causes eventually causes acne breakouts. It also causes hormonal inbalances and metabolism problems. Effects are seen in months. But change of lifestyle is a permanent solution to many problems not just acne. Your body and you will always be grateful for any little effort you put into changing your lifestyle to be of better quality!
4. Highly recommended product to help fight with acne is ClearPores : http://www.clearpores.com/clicks/clickth...
It's natural, causes no side effects and deals with acne where it forms. That means from the inside and out. It totally outranks any other products on the market.
Hope my advice helped. If you have more questions I'll be glad to answer. You can check my website at http://www.easynaturalyou.com -- find my contact info and write me an email.
For nutritional help to deal with acne I only help personally because I need more info about your lifestyle and if possible photos of skin. But it can be arranged.
Good Luck!
Reply:I used to get acne and go to the dermatologist and the Rx med would only work for a short time and then the problem would worsen. I started making my own products and they have worked. Email me at chanamolet@yahoo.com and i will direct you to my website where you can purchase the items that i make to control your acne and blemishes. Believe me they will work!!!!
Reply:Honey is a natural antiseptic, but has soothing properties. I don't want to tell you to do something that will make your skin worse, but if you've already tried other things, then that's what I would suggest. Steaming your face a few times a week might help also.
Reply:Try putting tea tree oil on your skin before bed each night. Its a natural antiseptic - the chemicals seem to do more harm than good. pure oil is the best. hope that helps!
Reply:he products you are using, are they Salsylic Acid or Benzoyl peroxide? BP can be VERY drying. I personally like SA better. Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! Try finding a face lotion with SA in it. Clean and Clear has a good moisturizer with SA and it helps keep pimples at bay. It is only about $5 a bottle and lasts about 2 months and you can get it at your local store. I have used this in the past and it works well. Personally, I use Biore products (which you get over the counter. Their products range from $5-$10). They are harsh on pimples, but not on your face.
Personally, Proactive didn't work for me. I have been using Biore products for over a year and I hardly ever break out! Occasionally I will get one or two, but nothing bad. I use Biore Ice Cleanser and warming facial scrub every morning. And then 3-4 day s a week I use Biore purging pore cream scrub. For body acne I use Neutrogena acne body wash I never break out on my body. It gets 110 in summer so sweat in inevitably, yet I never break out. Give it a try. All of it is cheap too. About $5-10 depending on what you buy! Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! I think you will just need to experiment with products until you find what works for you. Remember, it can take 1 month for products to fully begin working! Good Luck!
night jasmine
I have skin discoloration on my face and it's getting worse...? (pics)?
I have skin discoloration on my face around my mouth and my forehead. I've been using banishing cream by avon on those areas for weeks but it doesn't work at all! My friends and family say theres nothing wrong with my skin, but tell me, does this picture lie? Please give me tips on how to get my skin tone even, it looks like I have a beard. I want my skin to look bright and fresh, like it is around my cheeks. Thanks :)
*please no comments on reminding my of how "pretty" I'm not. I don't need that right now.
I have skin discoloration on my face and it's getting worse...? (pics)?
The skin darkening is hard to see in the picture as a shadow is casting from the light in the room. The darkening or lightening of the pigment is often genetic and there isn't a lot to be done. My advice is look into a good line of mineral make-up or perhaps a skin rejuvenation system like Regenique.
Reply:Why dont you use diana stalder products the papaya kojic soap and whitening cream or black licorice soap with the whitening cream . This webstore have the proper and original diana stalder packaging and its authentic. You can check out the customers testimonials about the products. They have the best products to get rid of dark spots, freckles, sunspot and hyper pigmentation , acne scar and not only that they have the best whitening skincare products... Please be wise and do not pay more money for the same brand and always check their prices...
Please do check this website...
Reply:first of all... ur really pretty!!! Seriously. It could be enviromental or even the season change. My skin goes crazy in the winter for some reason... try to moisterize and use a basic clenser.. if it doesnt go away go to the dermatologist... you could have developed an allergy... but probably not
Reply:With the lighting, it's hard to see. Maybe you should go to a dermatologist-- I've read in a magazine that the topical cream Retin-A Micro helps with discolorations, but that is prescripstion only. Or try that Palmer's skin success stuff that lightens your skin, but idk if that works.
Reply:Ok well I was in cosmetology school and I learned alot about the skin but the best thing to do first off is drink half your weight in water say you weigh 120 then drink 60ounces of water and the other thing I use my self and just started to use is Bio-Oil. I found it at K-Mart and it cost $11.99 and it works good so far for uneven skintones and ance scars.Check out there website and o0o yes it is in the states to.
Reply:I sugest a toner, witch hazel, and tea tee oil. some vitamin E too, wash your face when it gets oilyto keep it clean - and use a good sunscreen on the dark parts.
Reply:Are you pregnant? The hormones in pregnancy can cause the effects that you describe.
Reply:a mild skin lightening soap can help lighten the pigmentations and brighten your facial skin.. get these tips on how to achieve it safely and effectively -
Reply:You look just fine. However, for African American skin I would not suggest a bleaching or whitening cream. These creams lighten and you end up with a lighter version of the blotchiness. You need something that's going to "even out" the underlying cells that are actually causing the hyperpigmentation. Look up Z. Bigatti Labs. Check out their Enlighten cream. Good luck.
Reply:Before spending tons of money for a dermatologist or any type of chemical to put on your face...why don't you try Bare Minerals Make Up? It works wonders for evening out all skin tones.
*please no comments on reminding my of how "pretty" I'm not. I don't need that right now.
I have skin discoloration on my face and it's getting worse...? (pics)?
The skin darkening is hard to see in the picture as a shadow is casting from the light in the room. The darkening or lightening of the pigment is often genetic and there isn't a lot to be done. My advice is look into a good line of mineral make-up or perhaps a skin rejuvenation system like Regenique.
Reply:Why dont you use diana stalder products the papaya kojic soap and whitening cream or black licorice soap with the whitening cream . This webstore have the proper and original diana stalder packaging and its authentic. You can check out the customers testimonials about the products. They have the best products to get rid of dark spots, freckles, sunspot and hyper pigmentation , acne scar and not only that they have the best whitening skincare products... Please be wise and do not pay more money for the same brand and always check their prices...
Please do check this website...
Reply:first of all... ur really pretty!!! Seriously. It could be enviromental or even the season change. My skin goes crazy in the winter for some reason... try to moisterize and use a basic clenser.. if it doesnt go away go to the dermatologist... you could have developed an allergy... but probably not
Reply:With the lighting, it's hard to see. Maybe you should go to a dermatologist-- I've read in a magazine that the topical cream Retin-A Micro helps with discolorations, but that is prescripstion only. Or try that Palmer's skin success stuff that lightens your skin, but idk if that works.
Reply:Ok well I was in cosmetology school and I learned alot about the skin but the best thing to do first off is drink half your weight in water say you weigh 120 then drink 60ounces of water and the other thing I use my self and just started to use is Bio-Oil. I found it at K-Mart and it cost $11.99 and it works good so far for uneven skintones and ance scars.Check out there website and o0o yes it is in the states to.
Reply:I sugest a toner, witch hazel, and tea tee oil. some vitamin E too, wash your face when it gets oilyto keep it clean - and use a good sunscreen on the dark parts.
Reply:Are you pregnant? The hormones in pregnancy can cause the effects that you describe.
Reply:a mild skin lightening soap can help lighten the pigmentations and brighten your facial skin.. get these tips on how to achieve it safely and effectively -
Reply:You look just fine. However, for African American skin I would not suggest a bleaching or whitening cream. These creams lighten and you end up with a lighter version of the blotchiness. You need something that's going to "even out" the underlying cells that are actually causing the hyperpigmentation. Look up Z. Bigatti Labs. Check out their Enlighten cream. Good luck.
Reply:Before spending tons of money for a dermatologist or any type of chemical to put on your face...why don't you try Bare Minerals Make Up? It works wonders for evening out all skin tones.
Best eye cream/ moisturuzer?
In your opinion, what is the best anti-aging eye moisturizer/treatment? It seems most out there are to reduce dark circles or are gel based to soothe puffy eyes. I don't have problems with either of those. I just turned 30, and while I generally have really good skin w/o any wrinkles, I feel I need to start using a good eye cream as a preventive. I currently use Philosophy's Hope In A Jar moisturizer which I love, but I don't care for their eye cream. Any suggestions for a good product that doesn't cost over $100?
Best eye cream/ moisturuzer?
I have tried and tested many products. Of all the eye products which I have tested, the best is Lancome and Biossentials eye care products.
If you wish to do your own eye treatment, get some tips here..
Reply:I think it’s important to really understand the causes of you dark circles before trying to treat the dark circles. My friend has serious dark circles and her dark circles are improving by following the information provided by http://www.darkcirclesundereyescure.com
Reply:There are many causes of dark circles, from age, heredity, allergies, cold or sinus infection, bone structure and glasses which are not so commonly known.
If you would like to apply home remedies to reduce dark circles, here are some of my suggestions:
Buy a box of regular, old fashioned unflavored gelatin (e.g. Knox) from grocery store. Take a small cup or bowl and put in 1 teaspoon of the gelatin mix. Add one tablespoon of boiling water %26amp; stir for a minute. Test it on your wrist to make sure it is not too hot. Then, using a cotton ball, pat it under your eyes as you would an eye cream or gel. Go lie down and listen to some music, or take a bath %26amp; let it stay on for at least 30 minutes. Then just rinse it off. Gelatin is very high in Vitamin K %26amp; Biotin. It will not remove your dark circles on the first application (but you will notice a difference), but if you do it daily for a week, and then 2-3 times a week for maintenance, you should notice a drastic reduction in dark circles.
To hide dark circles, you can use YSL concealer or salmon concealer..
http://www.mydarkcirclesblog.com tips on how to reduce dark circles, the causes of dark circles, home remedies; eye creams reviews, make up tips, and natural healer.
http://www.cleansecolonblog.com Cleanse Colon Blog writes about colon cleanse home remedies and review colons cleanse products.
Reply:Pure olive oil. that is my secret and I look 20 years younger on good days when I'm feeling my best. Extra virgin or light if the smell is too much for you. I learned it from a lady from Colombia who looks 15 years younger.
Reply:You can check this site. There are bunch of reviews about anti aging creams. http://www.bestantiwrinklecreamreviews.c...
Best eye cream/ moisturuzer?
I have tried and tested many products. Of all the eye products which I have tested, the best is Lancome and Biossentials eye care products.
If you wish to do your own eye treatment, get some tips here..
Reply:I think it’s important to really understand the causes of you dark circles before trying to treat the dark circles. My friend has serious dark circles and her dark circles are improving by following the information provided by http://www.darkcirclesundereyescure.com
Reply:There are many causes of dark circles, from age, heredity, allergies, cold or sinus infection, bone structure and glasses which are not so commonly known.
If you would like to apply home remedies to reduce dark circles, here are some of my suggestions:
Buy a box of regular, old fashioned unflavored gelatin (e.g. Knox) from grocery store. Take a small cup or bowl and put in 1 teaspoon of the gelatin mix. Add one tablespoon of boiling water %26amp; stir for a minute. Test it on your wrist to make sure it is not too hot. Then, using a cotton ball, pat it under your eyes as you would an eye cream or gel. Go lie down and listen to some music, or take a bath %26amp; let it stay on for at least 30 minutes. Then just rinse it off. Gelatin is very high in Vitamin K %26amp; Biotin. It will not remove your dark circles on the first application (but you will notice a difference), but if you do it daily for a week, and then 2-3 times a week for maintenance, you should notice a drastic reduction in dark circles.
To hide dark circles, you can use YSL concealer or salmon concealer..
http://www.mydarkcirclesblog.com tips on how to reduce dark circles, the causes of dark circles, home remedies; eye creams reviews, make up tips, and natural healer.
http://www.cleansecolonblog.com Cleanse Colon Blog writes about colon cleanse home remedies and review colons cleanse products.
Reply:Pure olive oil. that is my secret and I look 20 years younger on good days when I'm feeling my best. Extra virgin or light if the smell is too much for you. I learned it from a lady from Colombia who looks 15 years younger.
Reply:You can check this site. There are bunch of reviews about anti aging creams. http://www.bestantiwrinklecreamreviews.c...
Wat is the best mosturizing face cream?
i am of brown skin and 25 years old. wat would be the best mosturizing face cream for me?
Wat is the best mosturizing face cream?
I use Philosophy hope in a jar. It is the best cream. It has antioxidants and lactic acid in it. lactic acid helps the skin exfoliate at the same time it moisturizes.
Reply:pom- c made from pomegranates and vitamin c, very moisturizing! I get my from www.athomeskincare.com
Reply:I would be happy to send you a sample of Arbonne's skin care line. It's botanically based and pH correct.
Reply:anything made by Oil of Olay
Wat is the best mosturizing face cream?
I use Philosophy hope in a jar. It is the best cream. It has antioxidants and lactic acid in it. lactic acid helps the skin exfoliate at the same time it moisturizes.
Reply:pom- c made from pomegranates and vitamin c, very moisturizing! I get my from www.athomeskincare.com
Reply:I would be happy to send you a sample of Arbonne's skin care line. It's botanically based and pH correct.
Reply:anything made by Oil of Olay
Skin that can't make up its mind!?
Hey y'all!
So my problem this week is my skin. I have... or possibly "had" acne, but I've been put on the pill to clear it up and using a cream called Duac Once Daily - its STRONG and it has dried patches of my skin (only certain patches) to a ridiculous amount, but has really cleaned up my blemishes.
What should I use to moisturise without clogging my pores again? I've been using Palmers Cocoa Butter which is what I've always used as it lightens scars as well, but I don't think its strong enough for this new problem...
Thanks for your advice!!! :)
Skin that can't make up its mind!?
First I think you should probably try and stop using the Duac Once Daily creram, it might be too much using the pill and that. Try using something a little less intense over the counter product. Alot of the products you find in normal stores now have improved and come in packages that include face wash, toner, and lotion.
So my problem this week is my skin. I have... or possibly "had" acne, but I've been put on the pill to clear it up and using a cream called Duac Once Daily - its STRONG and it has dried patches of my skin (only certain patches) to a ridiculous amount, but has really cleaned up my blemishes.
What should I use to moisturise without clogging my pores again? I've been using Palmers Cocoa Butter which is what I've always used as it lightens scars as well, but I don't think its strong enough for this new problem...
Thanks for your advice!!! :)
Skin that can't make up its mind!?
First I think you should probably try and stop using the Duac Once Daily creram, it might be too much using the pill and that. Try using something a little less intense over the counter product. Alot of the products you find in normal stores now have improved and come in packages that include face wash, toner, and lotion.
I have skin discoloration on my face and it's getting worse...? (pics)?
I have skin discoloration on my face around my mouth and my forehead. I've been using banishing cream by avon on those areas for weeks but it doesn't work at all! My friends and family say theres nothing wrong with my skin, but tell me, does this picture lie? Please give me tips on how to get my skin tone even, it looks like I have a beard. I want my skin to look bright and fresh, like it is around my cheeks. Thanks :)
*please no comments on reminding my of how "pretty" I'm not. I don't need that right now.
I have skin discoloration on my face and it's getting worse...? (pics)?
The skin darkening is hard to see in the picture as a shadow is casting from the light in the room. The darkening or lightening of the pigment is often genetic and there isn't a lot to be done. My advice is look into a good line of mineral make-up or perhaps a skin rejuvenation system like Regenique.
Reply:Why dont you use diana stalder products the papaya kojic soap and whitening cream or black licorice soap with the whitening cream . This webstore have the proper and original diana stalder packaging and its authentic. You can check out the customers testimonials about the products. They have the best products to get rid of dark spots, freckles, sunspot and hyper pigmentation , acne scar and not only that they have the best whitening skincare products... Please be wise and do not pay more money for the same brand and always check their prices...
Please do check this website...
Reply:first of all... ur really pretty!!! Seriously. It could be enviromental or even the season change. My skin goes crazy in the winter for some reason... try to moisterize and use a basic clenser.. if it doesnt go away go to the dermatologist... you could have developed an allergy... but probably not
Reply:With the lighting, it's hard to see. Maybe you should go to a dermatologist-- I've read in a magazine that the topical cream Retin-A Micro helps with discolorations, but that is prescripstion only. Or try that Palmer's skin success stuff that lightens your skin, but idk if that works.
Reply:Ok well I was in cosmetology school and I learned alot about the skin but the best thing to do first off is drink half your weight in water say you weigh 120 then drink 60ounces of water and the other thing I use my self and just started to use is Bio-Oil. I found it at K-Mart and it cost $11.99 and it works good so far for uneven skintones and ance scars.Check out there website and o0o yes it is in the states to.
Reply:I sugest a toner, witch hazel, and tea tee oil. some vitamin E too, wash your face when it gets oilyto keep it clean - and use a good sunscreen on the dark parts.
Reply:Are you pregnant? The hormones in pregnancy can cause the effects that you describe.
Reply:a mild skin lightening soap can help lighten the pigmentations and brighten your facial skin.. get these tips on how to achieve it safely and effectively -
Reply:You look just fine. However, for African American skin I would not suggest a bleaching or whitening cream. These creams lighten and you end up with a lighter version of the blotchiness. You need something that's going to "even out" the underlying cells that are actually causing the hyperpigmentation. Look up Z. Bigatti Labs. Check out their Enlighten cream. Good luck.
Reply:Before spending tons of money for a dermatologist or any type of chemical to put on your face...why don't you try Bare Minerals Make Up? It works wonders for evening out all skin tones.
*please no comments on reminding my of how "pretty" I'm not. I don't need that right now.
I have skin discoloration on my face and it's getting worse...? (pics)?
The skin darkening is hard to see in the picture as a shadow is casting from the light in the room. The darkening or lightening of the pigment is often genetic and there isn't a lot to be done. My advice is look into a good line of mineral make-up or perhaps a skin rejuvenation system like Regenique.
Reply:Why dont you use diana stalder products the papaya kojic soap and whitening cream or black licorice soap with the whitening cream . This webstore have the proper and original diana stalder packaging and its authentic. You can check out the customers testimonials about the products. They have the best products to get rid of dark spots, freckles, sunspot and hyper pigmentation , acne scar and not only that they have the best whitening skincare products... Please be wise and do not pay more money for the same brand and always check their prices...
Please do check this website...
Reply:first of all... ur really pretty!!! Seriously. It could be enviromental or even the season change. My skin goes crazy in the winter for some reason... try to moisterize and use a basic clenser.. if it doesnt go away go to the dermatologist... you could have developed an allergy... but probably not
Reply:With the lighting, it's hard to see. Maybe you should go to a dermatologist-- I've read in a magazine that the topical cream Retin-A Micro helps with discolorations, but that is prescripstion only. Or try that Palmer's skin success stuff that lightens your skin, but idk if that works.
Reply:Ok well I was in cosmetology school and I learned alot about the skin but the best thing to do first off is drink half your weight in water say you weigh 120 then drink 60ounces of water and the other thing I use my self and just started to use is Bio-Oil. I found it at K-Mart and it cost $11.99 and it works good so far for uneven skintones and ance scars.Check out there website and o0o yes it is in the states to.
Reply:I sugest a toner, witch hazel, and tea tee oil. some vitamin E too, wash your face when it gets oilyto keep it clean - and use a good sunscreen on the dark parts.
Reply:Are you pregnant? The hormones in pregnancy can cause the effects that you describe.
Reply:a mild skin lightening soap can help lighten the pigmentations and brighten your facial skin.. get these tips on how to achieve it safely and effectively -
Reply:You look just fine. However, for African American skin I would not suggest a bleaching or whitening cream. These creams lighten and you end up with a lighter version of the blotchiness. You need something that's going to "even out" the underlying cells that are actually causing the hyperpigmentation. Look up Z. Bigatti Labs. Check out their Enlighten cream. Good luck.
Reply:Before spending tons of money for a dermatologist or any type of chemical to put on your face...why don't you try Bare Minerals Make Up? It works wonders for evening out all skin tones.
Help with odd skin and pimples (treatments make it worse)?
i have a rather annoying problem...i dont have really bad acne or anything, just a few spots on chin and forehead. but theyre often big red and painful. and no matter what i put on them, it seems to make it worse rather then better. for example, i got benzyl peroxide cream and use it on pimples. but if i get even a little on skin that doesnt already have a pimple, one pops up. same with other acne creams, or herbal remedies...its really annoying, cause i cant use face washes or anything to actually PREVENT them. can only spot reduce when theyre all big and already ick. im wondering if anyone can recommend what to do? or why this happens? any help would be oh so appreciated!
Help with odd skin and pimples (treatments make it worse)?
I think the problem is bacteria in your skin. Those pimples are a sign that you have constant problems with acne. Bacteria is inside and your body is dealing with it all the time. That's why sometimes they are bigger sometimes smaller, depends on how strong is your body's immune system at the time. But the fact that it doesn't go away means you need to help your body to deal with it permanently.
Also you said when you used certain treatments more pimples came out. This could be that bacteria is already inside just you can't see the acne with your eyes. And when you used products it all came out.
You should know that when I start treatments acne is always more severe in first few days when the skin is clearing. Then it gets better and better and eventually it's gone for good. My treatment is natural and kinda special so I can't really talk about it over the internet because I need to see the skin with my own eyes and check many facts before I start. No 2 persons have the same skin so my treatment is always different from person to person, but I always try to deal with the root of the problem not just with acne.
But what I can tell you is this. Acne is a sign that something inside the body isn't working as it should. Our skin is the first indicator of body's energy imbalance. Weak body's immune system. Lack of certain nutrition. Or unhealthy lifestyle. It can also be genetics.
So I don't know the reason for you. But there's much you can do to help your own body deal with acne. And believe me, no product is as good dealing with acne as your own body.
1. Drink clear water. No soda drinks no sugar added drinks. Clear water is what your body need for proper functionality. If you were used to drink soda or other drinks try and drink just clear water. Effects on acne will be seen in months. Our body has a delay. When we live unhealthy it takes time for problems to show on our skin, same goes when we live healthy. It takes time before positive effects are seen. Water can help, if it was the root problem for acne.
2. Daily workout routine. This is essential because your body needs good blood flow in areas where acne is forming. So more nutrition gets there, more anti-body cells to kill the bacteria and more toxins get flushed away when needed. Remember to clean your face with clear water (no soap) after the exercise because sweat can cause acne too. Effects are seen in weeks.
3. Healthy lifestyle! This is the most important. Healthy food, reduce stress, relaxing activities. And your mental condition. Depressions and constant stress causes eventually causes acne breakouts. It also causes hormonal inbalances and metabolism problems. Effects are seen in months. But change of lifestyle is a permanent solution to many problems not just acne. Your body and you will always be grateful for any little effort you put into changing your lifestyle to be of better quality!
4. Highly recommended product to help fight with acne is ClearPores : http://www.clearpores.com/clicks/clickth...
It's natural, causes no side effects and deals with acne where it forms. That means from the inside and out. It totally outranks any other products on the market.
Hope my advice helped. If you have more questions I'll be glad to answer. You can check my website at http://www.easynaturalyou.com -- find my contact info and write me an email.
For nutritional help to deal with acne I only help personally because I need more info about your lifestyle and if possible photos of skin. But it can be arranged.
Good Luck!
Reply:I used to get acne and go to the dermatologist and the Rx med would only work for a short time and then the problem would worsen. I started making my own products and they have worked. Email me at chanamolet@yahoo.com and i will direct you to my website where you can purchase the items that i make to control your acne and blemishes. Believe me they will work!!!!
Reply:Honey is a natural antiseptic, but has soothing properties. I don't want to tell you to do something that will make your skin worse, but if you've already tried other things, then that's what I would suggest. Steaming your face a few times a week might help also.
Reply:Try putting tea tree oil on your skin before bed each night. Its a natural antiseptic - the chemicals seem to do more harm than good. pure oil is the best. hope that helps!
Reply:he products you are using, are they Salsylic Acid or Benzoyl peroxide? BP can be VERY drying. I personally like SA better. Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! Try finding a face lotion with SA in it. Clean and Clear has a good moisturizer with SA and it helps keep pimples at bay. It is only about $5 a bottle and lasts about 2 months and you can get it at your local store. I have used this in the past and it works well. Personally, I use Biore products (which you get over the counter. Their products range from $5-$10). They are harsh on pimples, but not on your face.
Personally, Proactive didn't work for me. I have been using Biore products for over a year and I hardly ever break out! Occasionally I will get one or two, but nothing bad. I use Biore Ice Cleanser and warming facial scrub every morning. And then 3-4 day s a week I use Biore purging pore cream scrub. For body acne I use Neutrogena acne body wash I never break out on my body. It gets 110 in summer so sweat in inevitably, yet I never break out. Give it a try. All of it is cheap too. About $5-10 depending on what you buy! Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! I think you will just need to experiment with products until you find what works for you. Remember, it can take 1 month for products to fully begin working! Good Luck!
Help with odd skin and pimples (treatments make it worse)?
I think the problem is bacteria in your skin. Those pimples are a sign that you have constant problems with acne. Bacteria is inside and your body is dealing with it all the time. That's why sometimes they are bigger sometimes smaller, depends on how strong is your body's immune system at the time. But the fact that it doesn't go away means you need to help your body to deal with it permanently.
Also you said when you used certain treatments more pimples came out. This could be that bacteria is already inside just you can't see the acne with your eyes. And when you used products it all came out.
You should know that when I start treatments acne is always more severe in first few days when the skin is clearing. Then it gets better and better and eventually it's gone for good. My treatment is natural and kinda special so I can't really talk about it over the internet because I need to see the skin with my own eyes and check many facts before I start. No 2 persons have the same skin so my treatment is always different from person to person, but I always try to deal with the root of the problem not just with acne.
But what I can tell you is this. Acne is a sign that something inside the body isn't working as it should. Our skin is the first indicator of body's energy imbalance. Weak body's immune system. Lack of certain nutrition. Or unhealthy lifestyle. It can also be genetics.
So I don't know the reason for you. But there's much you can do to help your own body deal with acne. And believe me, no product is as good dealing with acne as your own body.
1. Drink clear water. No soda drinks no sugar added drinks. Clear water is what your body need for proper functionality. If you were used to drink soda or other drinks try and drink just clear water. Effects on acne will be seen in months. Our body has a delay. When we live unhealthy it takes time for problems to show on our skin, same goes when we live healthy. It takes time before positive effects are seen. Water can help, if it was the root problem for acne.
2. Daily workout routine. This is essential because your body needs good blood flow in areas where acne is forming. So more nutrition gets there, more anti-body cells to kill the bacteria and more toxins get flushed away when needed. Remember to clean your face with clear water (no soap) after the exercise because sweat can cause acne too. Effects are seen in weeks.
3. Healthy lifestyle! This is the most important. Healthy food, reduce stress, relaxing activities. And your mental condition. Depressions and constant stress causes eventually causes acne breakouts. It also causes hormonal inbalances and metabolism problems. Effects are seen in months. But change of lifestyle is a permanent solution to many problems not just acne. Your body and you will always be grateful for any little effort you put into changing your lifestyle to be of better quality!
4. Highly recommended product to help fight with acne is ClearPores : http://www.clearpores.com/clicks/clickth...
It's natural, causes no side effects and deals with acne where it forms. That means from the inside and out. It totally outranks any other products on the market.
Hope my advice helped. If you have more questions I'll be glad to answer. You can check my website at http://www.easynaturalyou.com -- find my contact info and write me an email.
For nutritional help to deal with acne I only help personally because I need more info about your lifestyle and if possible photos of skin. But it can be arranged.
Good Luck!
Reply:I used to get acne and go to the dermatologist and the Rx med would only work for a short time and then the problem would worsen. I started making my own products and they have worked. Email me at chanamolet@yahoo.com and i will direct you to my website where you can purchase the items that i make to control your acne and blemishes. Believe me they will work!!!!
Reply:Honey is a natural antiseptic, but has soothing properties. I don't want to tell you to do something that will make your skin worse, but if you've already tried other things, then that's what I would suggest. Steaming your face a few times a week might help also.
Reply:Try putting tea tree oil on your skin before bed each night. Its a natural antiseptic - the chemicals seem to do more harm than good. pure oil is the best. hope that helps!
Reply:he products you are using, are they Salsylic Acid or Benzoyl peroxide? BP can be VERY drying. I personally like SA better. Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! Try finding a face lotion with SA in it. Clean and Clear has a good moisturizer with SA and it helps keep pimples at bay. It is only about $5 a bottle and lasts about 2 months and you can get it at your local store. I have used this in the past and it works well. Personally, I use Biore products (which you get over the counter. Their products range from $5-$10). They are harsh on pimples, but not on your face.
Personally, Proactive didn't work for me. I have been using Biore products for over a year and I hardly ever break out! Occasionally I will get one or two, but nothing bad. I use Biore Ice Cleanser and warming facial scrub every morning. And then 3-4 day s a week I use Biore purging pore cream scrub. For body acne I use Neutrogena acne body wash I never break out on my body. It gets 110 in summer so sweat in inevitably, yet I never break out. Give it a try. All of it is cheap too. About $5-10 depending on what you buy! Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! I think you will just need to experiment with products until you find what works for you. Remember, it can take 1 month for products to fully begin working! Good Luck!
Skin that can't make up its mind!?
Hey y'all!
So my problem this week is my skin. I have... or possibly "had" acne, but I've been put on the pill to clear it up and using a cream called Duac Once Daily - its STRONG and it has dried patches of my skin (only certain patches) to a ridiculous amount, but has really cleaned up my blemishes.
What should I use to moisturise without clogging my pores again? I've been using Palmers Cocoa Butter which is what I've always used as it lightens scars as well, but I don't think its strong enough for this new problem...
Thanks for your advice!!! :)
Skin that can't make up its mind!?
First I think you should probably try and stop using the Duac Once Daily creram, it might be too much using the pill and that. Try using something a little less intense over the counter product. Alot of the products you find in normal stores now have improved and come in packages that include face wash, toner, and lotion.
bleeding heart
So my problem this week is my skin. I have... or possibly "had" acne, but I've been put on the pill to clear it up and using a cream called Duac Once Daily - its STRONG and it has dried patches of my skin (only certain patches) to a ridiculous amount, but has really cleaned up my blemishes.
What should I use to moisturise without clogging my pores again? I've been using Palmers Cocoa Butter which is what I've always used as it lightens scars as well, but I don't think its strong enough for this new problem...
Thanks for your advice!!! :)
Skin that can't make up its mind!?
First I think you should probably try and stop using the Duac Once Daily creram, it might be too much using the pill and that. Try using something a little less intense over the counter product. Alot of the products you find in normal stores now have improved and come in packages that include face wash, toner, and lotion.
bleeding heart
Wat is the best mosturizing face cream?
i am of brown skin and 25 years old. wat would be the best mosturizing face cream for me?
Wat is the best mosturizing face cream?
I use Philosophy hope in a jar. It is the best cream. It has antioxidants and lactic acid in it. lactic acid helps the skin exfoliate at the same time it moisturizes.
Reply:pom- c made from pomegranates and vitamin c, very moisturizing! I get my from www.athomeskincare.com
Reply:I would be happy to send you a sample of Arbonne's skin care line. It's botanically based and pH correct.
Reply:anything made by Oil of Olay
Wat is the best mosturizing face cream?
I use Philosophy hope in a jar. It is the best cream. It has antioxidants and lactic acid in it. lactic acid helps the skin exfoliate at the same time it moisturizes.
Reply:pom- c made from pomegranates and vitamin c, very moisturizing! I get my from www.athomeskincare.com
Reply:I would be happy to send you a sample of Arbonne's skin care line. It's botanically based and pH correct.
Reply:anything made by Oil of Olay
Nair Sensitive Skin Users!!???
Do you have any tips for using the gel cream?? like, exfoliating before? there are no directions for how to prepare your skin on the bottle. I have very thick hair on my legs yet my skin is very sensitive...
Nair Sensitive Skin Users!!???
I tried using Nair, but my skin is just too sensitive. I use Veet with Almond oil for sensitive skin. My goodness, It works reallly nice and doesnt smell icky at all.
As for any hair removal cream, simply wash your legs with warm water to relax the hair. But most the time there is no "prep thing" to do.
I'd recommend Veet though. Its a lot nicer, and doesnt smell nasty.
Reply:i hate nair it's terrible it does not work and it smells awful. good luck...
Reply:No, I do not have any tips for using the gel cream however, I believe that the best way to remove unwanted hair is sugaring. Like waxing, sugaring removes hair at the root, but unlike waxing, there is no risk of damage to the surrounding skin. There is a sugaring product called MOOM. It contains chamomile, lemon, and tea tree oil. To get the product you need to go to the website www.drlark.com. It is resin-free, hypoallergenic, and lasts up to 2 months.
Reply:i have extremely sensitive skin on my legs and this is what i do. i rub lotion on my legs and make sure it get absorbed into the skin good and then i wait about 20 minutes and then i take a bath and use nair or sometimes i shave and that helps me a lot!
Reply:Always test in one area first for the time stated depending on how thick is the hair. Usually it 10-15 for thick.
Then use a warm wet washcloth to remove the cream and hairs, rubbing downward against leg and see if it's working.
Sometimes there are some hairs that remain. But if most have come off. Then it is worth to keep trying now the rest of the leg and other leg...
Reply:use hair conditioner coat the leg well tehn go for it after you have done the deed then use oil like johnsons to get the leg to be silky smooth and soft
be brave
Nair Sensitive Skin Users!!???
I tried using Nair, but my skin is just too sensitive. I use Veet with Almond oil for sensitive skin. My goodness, It works reallly nice and doesnt smell icky at all.
As for any hair removal cream, simply wash your legs with warm water to relax the hair. But most the time there is no "prep thing" to do.
I'd recommend Veet though. Its a lot nicer, and doesnt smell nasty.
Reply:i hate nair it's terrible it does not work and it smells awful. good luck...
Reply:No, I do not have any tips for using the gel cream however, I believe that the best way to remove unwanted hair is sugaring. Like waxing, sugaring removes hair at the root, but unlike waxing, there is no risk of damage to the surrounding skin. There is a sugaring product called MOOM. It contains chamomile, lemon, and tea tree oil. To get the product you need to go to the website www.drlark.com. It is resin-free, hypoallergenic, and lasts up to 2 months.
Reply:i have extremely sensitive skin on my legs and this is what i do. i rub lotion on my legs and make sure it get absorbed into the skin good and then i wait about 20 minutes and then i take a bath and use nair or sometimes i shave and that helps me a lot!
Reply:Always test in one area first for the time stated depending on how thick is the hair. Usually it 10-15 for thick.
Then use a warm wet washcloth to remove the cream and hairs, rubbing downward against leg and see if it's working.
Sometimes there are some hairs that remain. But if most have come off. Then it is worth to keep trying now the rest of the leg and other leg...
Reply:use hair conditioner coat the leg well tehn go for it after you have done the deed then use oil like johnsons to get the leg to be silky smooth and soft
be brave
Itchy and sore skin on legs?
i used to have a few stretch marks on my legs but they've gone now, only to be replaced by itchy skin. if i scratch it, it becomes sore as if i've bruised it but it doesn't stop itching. the skin itself isn't flaky or red and doesn't appear to be irritated. i put cream on it every once in a while put it doesn't go away.
what can it be? do i need stronger cream?
Itchy and sore skin on legs?
You haven't got ring worm. That's just rubbish. If you had, you'd have lots of red circular patches over your legs, which would have come up over the period of a few months.
You need to cream your skin every time you bathe i.e. once daily. If at all possible, try to cream it twice a day. You need to use gently exfoliating sponges or bath puffs to remove all of the dead skin that is causing the irritation. Also stop using bubble baths, perfumed soaps or perfumed creams.
Use something like moisturising soap (Dove Cream Bar Extra Sensitive £1.19) and moisture intensive cream i.e. Boots Expert Sensitive Moisture Boost Body Cream for £2.99. Good luck
Reply:ring worms. If you share towels or work equipment you might have caugt ring worms. Go to Dr. and he/she will give you some antiobiotics.
what can it be? do i need stronger cream?
Itchy and sore skin on legs?
You haven't got ring worm. That's just rubbish. If you had, you'd have lots of red circular patches over your legs, which would have come up over the period of a few months.
You need to cream your skin every time you bathe i.e. once daily. If at all possible, try to cream it twice a day. You need to use gently exfoliating sponges or bath puffs to remove all of the dead skin that is causing the irritation. Also stop using bubble baths, perfumed soaps or perfumed creams.
Use something like moisturising soap (Dove Cream Bar Extra Sensitive £1.19) and moisture intensive cream i.e. Boots Expert Sensitive Moisture Boost Body Cream for £2.99. Good luck
Reply:ring worms. If you share towels or work equipment you might have caugt ring worms. Go to Dr. and he/she will give you some antiobiotics.
Strecht Marks During/After Pregnancy? Saggy Skin?
What is the best cream and way to get rid of stretch marks and saggy skin after pregnancy????
Strecht Marks During/After Pregnancy? Saggy Skin?
You can use Strivectin for the stretch marks. Doesn't remove the stretch marks but promotes new collagen in the skin. Does improve the smoothness and the look of them. It is also pricey. You can get it a bit cheaper on Ebay. Saggy skin, if too saggy, can be removed with abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. Unfortunately, some women skin lose elasticity that you can never get back, even with diet and exercise.
Reply:cocoa butter is good, or go to your local pharmacy and they can show you their medicated creams for stretch marks.
Strecht Marks During/After Pregnancy? Saggy Skin?
You can use Strivectin for the stretch marks. Doesn't remove the stretch marks but promotes new collagen in the skin. Does improve the smoothness and the look of them. It is also pricey. You can get it a bit cheaper on Ebay. Saggy skin, if too saggy, can be removed with abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. Unfortunately, some women skin lose elasticity that you can never get back, even with diet and exercise.
Reply:cocoa butter is good, or go to your local pharmacy and they can show you their medicated creams for stretch marks.
Skin irritation? need advice about mine?
about 5 years ago when i was 16 i had real bad acne in uk, i bought some cream for it but i forgot what it was called but wheni applied it to my skin it felt like acid, i was supposed to have dabbed it on the spot but instead i massarged it all over my face, my skin on my face is quite bad but my nose is terrible, i think ive damaged the skin cells, but i dont know what can make it better and clearer? any help will be much appretiated
Skin irritation? need advice about mine?
I also damaged my skin with wrongly applied products or innappropiate products. I also had moles, uneven skin, discolorations, freckles and scars. But I experimented and found this cure that grew me a completely new clear skin. And it did this in about three weeks. It has worked wonders for many others with acne who have reported faster results. If you research my Best Answers you will find some of them. It´s a permanent cure and it´s safe, low cost and uses natural products that are beneficial to the skin.
Massage with a quite strong, vigorous motion(that is the key to it working) once or more a day better at night as initially it makes face flushed. You will find you can make it more vigorous as you progress. Use an organic or natural oil - olive oils work really well. Skin is always shedding and renewing, the massaging friction definitely forces a fresh, clearer skin to emerge. Initially, the skin has to adjust and if soreness, breakouts or other reactions happen - skin might expel poisons that need to be expelled - then stop and resume when you can. You have to find the pace that works for you - it's different for every person. In about a week you will see a great improvement. Keep up a massage routine and your skin WILL completely clear. It rids skin of many problems - many also caused by harmful ingredients in cleaning %26amp; other products and cosmetics. You will not need to use any other product or treatment and you will not need to moisturise. Only unhealthy skins need constant moisturizing. Some skin clinics may tell you to only massage gently but this treatment has only been beneficial to the many who have tried it. MOST OF THE OIL ABSORBS INTO THE SKIN AND YOU CAN SIMPLY WET FACE AND PAT DRY BEFORE SLEEPING.
SOURCE(S): 20+ years research into natural treatments and healing cures of skin, scalp and hair disorders and natural anti-aging and rejuvenation treatments.
Reply:As a fellow bad skin sufferer, i can sympathise with you.......anyway, it sounds to me that you may have eczema. If you have then you will be sensitive to most off the shelf cleansers and moisterisers. I dought if you have done any ireparable damge due to using a spot cream previously, as your skin is constantly renewing itself. I would suggest that you go and see a doctor, who can recomend or prescribe something suitable for you. Do not on any account use soap on your face, this is one of the biggest irritants for your face.....if you can get it, use aqueous cream with water for washing. Some people also use aqueous cream as a moisteriser, without the water.
I hope this helps.
Reply:It is important that you go see a dermatologist or skin specialist. Do not self treat as you can make matters worse.
It is likely that you are allergic to the harsh ingredients found in the cream. Hence, do not apply any cream or lotion on your face without checking the product labelling. If there is fragrance contained in the cream, do not use it.
To allow skin cells to repair and heal, you must use products for sensitive skin. Also, take foods that are helpful for skin condition like fatty fish and avoid all spicy foods.
More tips on sensitive skin care can be found here http://www.eczemaskintreatment.com
Reply:Treatments for acne and acne scarring
Treatments for acne depend on how much scarring of the skin is being caused by the acne and also how much the person is affected by the acne. The doctor has to establish both of these facts as the treatments for acne are long term and need
commitment from both the doctor and patient. Acne can cause psychological suffering which does not necessarily reflect the acne severity.
Treatment of acne, even if it is mild, is therefore important as a person may be greatly affected by mild acne whereas another person who has very severe acne may not be self conscious at all.
This is very much down to the individual as the face is particularly sensitive an area to be affected during teenage years. Acne can lead to reduced confidence and low self esteem and this should be recognised by healthcare professionals.
The treatments of acne have the following actions:
anti- inflammatory
reduce sebum production
The keratolytics reduce the blockage in the duct of the hair and sebaceous gland allowing the sebum to flow more freely out of the gland.
The antibacterial treatments can be applied topically or as antibiotics taken by mouth. They reduce the amount of bacteria in the sebaceous glands thereby reducing the amount of chemicals that they produce that can cause inflammation.
Anti- inflammatory
The anti- inflammatory treatments reduce the amount of inflammation directly.
Reply:ARBONE will and can take care of this skin condition you have because we penatrate the skin to go deep below the skins top layer to fix and repair damage from products we use that contain mineral oils, lanoline, dyes, perfumes, and ingreidents that don't belong and just sit on the surface of our skin. ARBONNE is pure safe and botanical and is made with formulations from swerthland that penatrate and leave your skin feeling very soft and hydrated. we are the number one health and wellness company in the world and have proven results we address a full line of products for any age skin care needs we have the intelllegence line for skin under 25 we have the FYI collections for teens and we have nutrimin c re9 for skin over 25 (men and women) which is our number one seller for skin care and you will love these products that work because of our formulations we cure acne finelines wrinkles age spots and dark circles under the eyes and all type of rashes so just click on my profile and see these incredible products and e-mail me if you would love a sample and try these products and if you have any questions about what you need to order thanks and your welcome because we also have fasical mask the really work and a thermal fusion mask that is like getting a dermabasion skin peel you would love.
Skin irritation? need advice about mine?
I also damaged my skin with wrongly applied products or innappropiate products. I also had moles, uneven skin, discolorations, freckles and scars. But I experimented and found this cure that grew me a completely new clear skin. And it did this in about three weeks. It has worked wonders for many others with acne who have reported faster results. If you research my Best Answers you will find some of them. It´s a permanent cure and it´s safe, low cost and uses natural products that are beneficial to the skin.
Massage with a quite strong, vigorous motion(that is the key to it working) once or more a day better at night as initially it makes face flushed. You will find you can make it more vigorous as you progress. Use an organic or natural oil - olive oils work really well. Skin is always shedding and renewing, the massaging friction definitely forces a fresh, clearer skin to emerge. Initially, the skin has to adjust and if soreness, breakouts or other reactions happen - skin might expel poisons that need to be expelled - then stop and resume when you can. You have to find the pace that works for you - it's different for every person. In about a week you will see a great improvement. Keep up a massage routine and your skin WILL completely clear. It rids skin of many problems - many also caused by harmful ingredients in cleaning %26amp; other products and cosmetics. You will not need to use any other product or treatment and you will not need to moisturise. Only unhealthy skins need constant moisturizing. Some skin clinics may tell you to only massage gently but this treatment has only been beneficial to the many who have tried it. MOST OF THE OIL ABSORBS INTO THE SKIN AND YOU CAN SIMPLY WET FACE AND PAT DRY BEFORE SLEEPING.
SOURCE(S): 20+ years research into natural treatments and healing cures of skin, scalp and hair disorders and natural anti-aging and rejuvenation treatments.
Reply:As a fellow bad skin sufferer, i can sympathise with you.......anyway, it sounds to me that you may have eczema. If you have then you will be sensitive to most off the shelf cleansers and moisterisers. I dought if you have done any ireparable damge due to using a spot cream previously, as your skin is constantly renewing itself. I would suggest that you go and see a doctor, who can recomend or prescribe something suitable for you. Do not on any account use soap on your face, this is one of the biggest irritants for your face.....if you can get it, use aqueous cream with water for washing. Some people also use aqueous cream as a moisteriser, without the water.
I hope this helps.
Reply:It is important that you go see a dermatologist or skin specialist. Do not self treat as you can make matters worse.
It is likely that you are allergic to the harsh ingredients found in the cream. Hence, do not apply any cream or lotion on your face without checking the product labelling. If there is fragrance contained in the cream, do not use it.
To allow skin cells to repair and heal, you must use products for sensitive skin. Also, take foods that are helpful for skin condition like fatty fish and avoid all spicy foods.
More tips on sensitive skin care can be found here http://www.eczemaskintreatment.com
Reply:Treatments for acne and acne scarring
Treatments for acne depend on how much scarring of the skin is being caused by the acne and also how much the person is affected by the acne. The doctor has to establish both of these facts as the treatments for acne are long term and need
commitment from both the doctor and patient. Acne can cause psychological suffering which does not necessarily reflect the acne severity.
Treatment of acne, even if it is mild, is therefore important as a person may be greatly affected by mild acne whereas another person who has very severe acne may not be self conscious at all.
This is very much down to the individual as the face is particularly sensitive an area to be affected during teenage years. Acne can lead to reduced confidence and low self esteem and this should be recognised by healthcare professionals.
The treatments of acne have the following actions:
anti- inflammatory
reduce sebum production
The keratolytics reduce the blockage in the duct of the hair and sebaceous gland allowing the sebum to flow more freely out of the gland.
The antibacterial treatments can be applied topically or as antibiotics taken by mouth. They reduce the amount of bacteria in the sebaceous glands thereby reducing the amount of chemicals that they produce that can cause inflammation.
Anti- inflammatory
The anti- inflammatory treatments reduce the amount of inflammation directly.
Reply:ARBONE will and can take care of this skin condition you have because we penatrate the skin to go deep below the skins top layer to fix and repair damage from products we use that contain mineral oils, lanoline, dyes, perfumes, and ingreidents that don't belong and just sit on the surface of our skin. ARBONNE is pure safe and botanical and is made with formulations from swerthland that penatrate and leave your skin feeling very soft and hydrated. we are the number one health and wellness company in the world and have proven results we address a full line of products for any age skin care needs we have the intelllegence line for skin under 25 we have the FYI collections for teens and we have nutrimin c re9 for skin over 25 (men and women) which is our number one seller for skin care and you will love these products that work because of our formulations we cure acne finelines wrinkles age spots and dark circles under the eyes and all type of rashes so just click on my profile and see these incredible products and e-mail me if you would love a sample and try these products and if you have any questions about what you need to order thanks and your welcome because we also have fasical mask the really work and a thermal fusion mask that is like getting a dermabasion skin peel you would love.
Skin irritation/very sensitive skin?
My oldest daughter has always had very sensitive skin. Her skin always gets irritated when she wears any type of jewellry. After a day of wearing her watch, her bracelet, necklace or her ring the skin under the jewellry is always red bumpy and irritated. We have bought her jewellry all in sterling silver (she prefers silver), and none of her jewellry is costume. She has tried using vaseline under them, a barrier cream, putting nail polish inside the bracelet/ring, and nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions of what she can do. Thanks
Skin irritation/very sensitive skin?
same thing happens to me. do not wear anything with nickle in it! stainless steel is good or 24 carrot white gold. a lot of jewellery will say nickel free. also try putting clear nail polish on her jewellery sometimes this works for me.
Skin irritation/very sensitive skin?
same thing happens to me. do not wear anything with nickle in it! stainless steel is good or 24 carrot white gold. a lot of jewellery will say nickel free. also try putting clear nail polish on her jewellery sometimes this works for me.
What moisturizing eye cream should I buy?
I have noticed lately that some of the skin on my eyelids is dry and scaly. I think I'd like to start using a moisturizing eye cream to help with this. Please recommend a cream to me.
Here's what I'm looking for:
1. I'd like an eye cream to wear at night that is moisturizing but not too heavy or weird-feeling.
2. I wear contact lenses, so I'd like something that works for sensitive eyes.
3. I'd like a cream that is noncomedogenic.
4. If possible, I'd like to find something that's not too expensive and is available for sale in many places.
Thanks for your help!
What moisturizing eye cream should I buy?
cetaphil is the best. It won't make you break out, AND you can also buy it with spf 15 for daily use, and that also won't make you break out.
For your contacts, don't sleep in them. It is really bad to sleep in them, no matter what anyone tells you. Your eyes will thank you when you're older if you take them out. But use the renu wetting drops.
Reply:go to cvs and ask someone
Reply:Decleor - Harmonie Soothing Eye contour gel. It's really soothing and not too heavy.It costs about £22 but will last you a good 6-8 months (if you think about it that's less than £1 per week!). It has all natural products in including essential oils.
Note: With eye products you only need to use the size of a grain of rice and if you can dab around the eye socket more than twice you are using too much which will lead to puffiness.
A good tip is to keep eye creams in the fridge as they will be lovely and soothing when you go to use them and will take down any puffiness.
Here's what I'm looking for:
1. I'd like an eye cream to wear at night that is moisturizing but not too heavy or weird-feeling.
2. I wear contact lenses, so I'd like something that works for sensitive eyes.
3. I'd like a cream that is noncomedogenic.
4. If possible, I'd like to find something that's not too expensive and is available for sale in many places.
Thanks for your help!
What moisturizing eye cream should I buy?
cetaphil is the best. It won't make you break out, AND you can also buy it with spf 15 for daily use, and that also won't make you break out.
For your contacts, don't sleep in them. It is really bad to sleep in them, no matter what anyone tells you. Your eyes will thank you when you're older if you take them out. But use the renu wetting drops.
Reply:go to cvs and ask someone
Reply:Decleor - Harmonie Soothing Eye contour gel. It's really soothing and not too heavy.It costs about £22 but will last you a good 6-8 months (if you think about it that's less than £1 per week!). It has all natural products in including essential oils.
Note: With eye products you only need to use the size of a grain of rice and if you can dab around the eye socket more than twice you are using too much which will lead to puffiness.
A good tip is to keep eye creams in the fridge as they will be lovely and soothing when you go to use them and will take down any puffiness.
What a good facial moisturizer for dry/acne prone skin?
my skin is very very dry right now becaause im using an acne cream and the moisturizer im using isnt moisturizing enough but im sccared to use anything else because alot of things make me break out, and also my skin is very sensitive. does anyone know of a moisturizer for the face thats good for sensitive skin and won`t break me out?
What a good facial moisturizer for dry/acne prone skin?
My daughter's dermatologist suggested we use Cetaphil on her face.. she has acne, and he put her on acne meds which made her skin dry and any moisturizer we used, gave her MORE acne.. the cetaphil is the only thing we used that worked!
Reply:I use Clean and Clear shine control moisturizer and it really helps to keep your skin from drying out. Also, it's non-comedogenic so it won't irritate your acne either. I also suffer from acne and had problems with the medicine drying my skin out and this seems to help.
Reply:Purpose. Simple as that. little square bottle, blue label, white cream. great for sensitive skin.
What a good facial moisturizer for dry/acne prone skin?
My daughter's dermatologist suggested we use Cetaphil on her face.. she has acne, and he put her on acne meds which made her skin dry and any moisturizer we used, gave her MORE acne.. the cetaphil is the only thing we used that worked!
Reply:I use Clean and Clear shine control moisturizer and it really helps to keep your skin from drying out. Also, it's non-comedogenic so it won't irritate your acne either. I also suffer from acne and had problems with the medicine drying my skin out and this seems to help.
Reply:Purpose. Simple as that. little square bottle, blue label, white cream. great for sensitive skin.
How do i make my skin return to its orignial color?
I have tan skin that is pretty light. But it always gets really dark in the pring and summer. And it gets lighter again in the winter. Well, spring just started and I am running track. Therefore, I am out in the sun a lot and I have gotten A LOT darker. I tan very easily and I really dont like how dark I have gotten. And I am going to keep getting darker until track is over. Then this summer I am supposed to travel to india and I am going to get a lot of comments on how dark my skin has gotten. I dont want this to happen. So, is there any cream I can use on my face to lighten it that is safe andn gives fast results. Or any lootion for my body? I use spf. 30 but it doesnt work and I think it makes my skin darker. I have also been putting lemon and honey n ym face for the past three days but haven't seen any results. What should I do?
How do i make my skin return to its orignial color?
You are like the Sahara fox.
Reply:you are one of a few who gets darker skin in the summer
dont worry =be happy=think what they would say if you were all white
Reply:Stay away from the lightening creams. Use a waterproof sweatproof/active SPF and make sure to reapply it every hour if sweating or in water. Wear a hat and longer sleeves if possible. Stay out of the sun if you can.
Reply:First take a picture of yourself, indoors and outdoors during the day. Then you can see if you are that much darker. Don't just trust the mirror in the bathroom because the lighting is lower than natural light, in other words you probably look lighter in the regular world.
That said, if you still don't like it, use a higher spf, if you look around some have titanium something(I can't recall the word) and go up to like spf80. So get yourself some of that, and when not running, get in the shade, or use an umbrella. If someone asks, tell them you burn easily.
How do i make my skin return to its orignial color?
You are like the Sahara fox.
Reply:you are one of a few who gets darker skin in the summer
dont worry =be happy=think what they would say if you were all white
Reply:Stay away from the lightening creams. Use a waterproof sweatproof/active SPF and make sure to reapply it every hour if sweating or in water. Wear a hat and longer sleeves if possible. Stay out of the sun if you can.
Reply:First take a picture of yourself, indoors and outdoors during the day. Then you can see if you are that much darker. Don't just trust the mirror in the bathroom because the lighting is lower than natural light, in other words you probably look lighter in the regular world.
That said, if you still don't like it, use a higher spf, if you look around some have titanium something(I can't recall the word) and go up to like spf80. So get yourself some of that, and when not running, get in the shade, or use an umbrella. If someone asks, tell them you burn easily.
Skin issues? Please only people who know alot about skin!?
Hey well i have a skin problem. I'm not exactly ugly, but my bad skin detracts from the rest of my face. I have little tiny, coarse bumps around my nose and in between my eyebrows, bumps under the skin pretty much everywhere (they aren't red, don't turn into pimples and aren't blackheads), i have small red pimples on my chin and eyebrows, i have humungous pores and my face is pretty blothchy.
i use a cleanser, toner and oil free moisturiser twice daily. the only face makeup i wear is tinted spot cream. i use an exfoliant twice a week and tea tree oil every night.
please people who know about skin, please advise me what i'm doing wrong, what i should do, how to cover up, inexpensive treatments and a PERMANENT SOLUTION.
thankyou so, so, so much.
Skin issues? Please only people who know alot about skin!?
Try cutting back on the face products you use, its possible that you are over cleansing your face stripping your skin of all the oils. It is a common misconception that removing all the oil from your face will make it better but it actually makes it worse because you skin is going to over produce oil causing more pimples. Also exfoliating for me caused break outs, so you might want to cut but to using it only once a week because it can irritate the skin. Its really all about what is causing your skin to breakout and why it is the way it is. Your best bet would be to make an appointment with a dermatoligist and have them tell you what would work best. There is one product that really works for me and my sisters that I really suggest is Karin Herzog Vita-a-Kombi 2. It works by killing the p. bacteria that causes acne. Only problem is it is sort of expensive ($54 a jar) and you can only get it online although some dermatologist have it. I hope you find an answer for healthier skin :D
Reply:To be honest with you, I have bad acne caused from my Chrones Disease. Ive tried all the cleaners and treatments. You should really go see a dermatologist before you take the advice of people that dont know you. Ive wasted countless dollars on products that were supposed to clear me up, but diddnt. Research before you buy! My best advice!
Number one, Switch to all Hypo-Allergenic washes, and moisterizes,
Number 2,Apricot scrub
Number 3
number 4, Seriously make an appointment with a local dermatoligist,, They can perscribe creams that can do wonders,
Also use COLD water to wash your face, Ease up on the oil, Use a night time moisterizer, And try a mask, Such as banana,,,
This is coming from a skin cancer survivor, hope i helped
Reply:Try using pure and natural products. If you don't want to splurge on pricer products like Arbonne. Switch over to Burts Bee - if things don't improve over about 2-3 weeks see your doctor.
Before you use a hydrating wash try a wash cloth (heat in micro) and apply and repeat.
Wash, toner and a spf day cream. Apply acne cream as you need it.
At night repeat - wash, toner and night cream.
Exfoliate only twice a week on a clean face.
and a mask once a week on a clean face not on the same days.
The wash cloth application should help the black heads and open your pores.
Increase water
watch your diet
i use a cleanser, toner and oil free moisturiser twice daily. the only face makeup i wear is tinted spot cream. i use an exfoliant twice a week and tea tree oil every night.
please people who know about skin, please advise me what i'm doing wrong, what i should do, how to cover up, inexpensive treatments and a PERMANENT SOLUTION.
thankyou so, so, so much.
Skin issues? Please only people who know alot about skin!?
Try cutting back on the face products you use, its possible that you are over cleansing your face stripping your skin of all the oils. It is a common misconception that removing all the oil from your face will make it better but it actually makes it worse because you skin is going to over produce oil causing more pimples. Also exfoliating for me caused break outs, so you might want to cut but to using it only once a week because it can irritate the skin. Its really all about what is causing your skin to breakout and why it is the way it is. Your best bet would be to make an appointment with a dermatoligist and have them tell you what would work best. There is one product that really works for me and my sisters that I really suggest is Karin Herzog Vita-a-Kombi 2. It works by killing the p. bacteria that causes acne. Only problem is it is sort of expensive ($54 a jar) and you can only get it online although some dermatologist have it. I hope you find an answer for healthier skin :D
Reply:To be honest with you, I have bad acne caused from my Chrones Disease. Ive tried all the cleaners and treatments. You should really go see a dermatologist before you take the advice of people that dont know you. Ive wasted countless dollars on products that were supposed to clear me up, but diddnt. Research before you buy! My best advice!
Number one, Switch to all Hypo-Allergenic washes, and moisterizes,
Number 2,Apricot scrub
Number 3
number 4, Seriously make an appointment with a local dermatoligist,, They can perscribe creams that can do wonders,
Also use COLD water to wash your face, Ease up on the oil, Use a night time moisterizer, And try a mask, Such as banana,,,
This is coming from a skin cancer survivor, hope i helped
Reply:Try using pure and natural products. If you don't want to splurge on pricer products like Arbonne. Switch over to Burts Bee - if things don't improve over about 2-3 weeks see your doctor.
Before you use a hydrating wash try a wash cloth (heat in micro) and apply and repeat.
Wash, toner and a spf day cream. Apply acne cream as you need it.
At night repeat - wash, toner and night cream.
Exfoliate only twice a week on a clean face.
and a mask once a week on a clean face not on the same days.
The wash cloth application should help the black heads and open your pores.
Increase water
watch your diet
Who uses depilatory cream ??
Veet depilatory cream Or nair anyone ever used it and how long does you skin stay smooth?. or should i just stick to shaving?..
Who uses depilatory cream ??
I can't remember the stuff I used. My skin stayed hair free for about a week. But, my bathroom stunk to high heaven for atleast a day. Plus, putting on clothing over the skin i used the cream on just felt weird.
As to the last question, only you can answer that.
Reply:Nair works really well. I don't pay attention to the amount of time but it seems to be about a month.
Reply:I use Nair with aloe in the summer on my legs. Works great lasts about 4 weeks, and stays very smooth. It dosent smell that bad either.
Reply:I use NAIR and I am smooth for about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks. Razors are not good on the skin, you can also try waxing.
Reply:it stays smooth for about a 3 days to a week. i personally dont like shaving but if that works out then you should stick to it.
Who uses depilatory cream ??
I can't remember the stuff I used. My skin stayed hair free for about a week. But, my bathroom stunk to high heaven for atleast a day. Plus, putting on clothing over the skin i used the cream on just felt weird.
As to the last question, only you can answer that.
Reply:Nair works really well. I don't pay attention to the amount of time but it seems to be about a month.
Reply:I use Nair with aloe in the summer on my legs. Works great lasts about 4 weeks, and stays very smooth. It dosent smell that bad either.
Reply:I use NAIR and I am smooth for about 2 to 2 1/2 weeks. Razors are not good on the skin, you can also try waxing.
Reply:it stays smooth for about a 3 days to a week. i personally dont like shaving but if that works out then you should stick to it.
Best foundation brand for my skin tone?
I have an olivy, dull complexison... what foundation brands(perferly cream/not powder kinds) do you think would best give my skin a glowing, bright, fresh look?
Best foundation brand for my skin tone?
I LOVE prescriptives. They match your undertone to give you a beautiful glowing look.
Reply:Clinique is the best foundation, I have the same type of skin and its works great and my skin doesn't look oily.
Reply:I would either go with este lauder or clinique (sp?) I am a penny pinching mom who refuses to purchase a pair of jeans if they are more than $30, but i will spend the money for good make up, i used to be a cover girl or whatever looked good in the package, but now i go straight to the department store...they will even do a make over on you with their newest products so you can see if it is the look you are wanting...and they will keep trying until they get it right. Also, if you time it right, they usually have promo's with free gifts (ususally include make up remover, face cream, eye shadow and lipstick and mascara) if you purchase something for $20 or more...which is how i got hooked to begin with! Plus, unlike the Wal-Mart brands, a little goes a long way, i've had mine for over a year and i wear make up every day (well almost)...hope this helps!
Reply:I noticed a couple people put Clinique and I just wanted to say that I currently use Clinique, but in my opinion, its not all that great. I am currently looking for a new brand myself...my Clinique make-up seems to last for only a short time and after running errands and playing outside with my daughter, my make-up looks gone! I am looking into Bee-Luscious cosmetics...I have heard great things about their products. Good luck!
Reply:Looks like u have 2 issues....
lets discuss the first one... dull complexion... I was in the same boat and found out that the reason for my dull complexion was dead skin. I was not exfoliating enough.
I went for a facial and the esthetician recommended i use dermalogica daily foliant. It is very mild and is great for all skin types... I have to tell you, my skin has a glow and I get compliments all the time.
Once this was taken care of then my old foundation which is Sisiedo liquid foundation for oily skin looked awesome.
Hope this helped. I did not have to change the foundation... The problem was the dead skin buildup that was causing the skin to look lifeless and dull.
Reply:I used to be a loyal Clinique user but I found that it didn't last all day and it made my skin feel oily. I was introduced to an amazing line of skincare and makeup products ... a brand called Artistry and NAO cosmetics. They are ranked in the top five cosmetic lines with Estee Lauder, Clinique, Chanel...etc. The great thing about their products is they have a 100% money back guarantee so you can try the products and if you don't like the color or the way it makes your skin feel, you can return it without any problems or any questions asked.
If you're interested in checking out what they have to offer you can go to www.randaenterprises.ltdteam.com and type in the word beauty as the password.
They have lots of great stuff to offer!
Reply:If you have clear skin, then just use a nice tinted moisturiser (revlon has a really good one) they make your skin glow and give it a little colour if your skins dull, if you do have bad skin then stick with the tinted moisturiser and add some foundation too. Although none of this will be very helpful if your skins oily..
Best foundation brand for my skin tone?
I LOVE prescriptives. They match your undertone to give you a beautiful glowing look.
Reply:Clinique is the best foundation, I have the same type of skin and its works great and my skin doesn't look oily.
Reply:I would either go with este lauder or clinique (sp?) I am a penny pinching mom who refuses to purchase a pair of jeans if they are more than $30, but i will spend the money for good make up, i used to be a cover girl or whatever looked good in the package, but now i go straight to the department store...they will even do a make over on you with their newest products so you can see if it is the look you are wanting...and they will keep trying until they get it right. Also, if you time it right, they usually have promo's with free gifts (ususally include make up remover, face cream, eye shadow and lipstick and mascara) if you purchase something for $20 or more...which is how i got hooked to begin with! Plus, unlike the Wal-Mart brands, a little goes a long way, i've had mine for over a year and i wear make up every day (well almost)...hope this helps!
Reply:I noticed a couple people put Clinique and I just wanted to say that I currently use Clinique, but in my opinion, its not all that great. I am currently looking for a new brand myself...my Clinique make-up seems to last for only a short time and after running errands and playing outside with my daughter, my make-up looks gone! I am looking into Bee-Luscious cosmetics...I have heard great things about their products. Good luck!
Reply:Looks like u have 2 issues....
lets discuss the first one... dull complexion... I was in the same boat and found out that the reason for my dull complexion was dead skin. I was not exfoliating enough.
I went for a facial and the esthetician recommended i use dermalogica daily foliant. It is very mild and is great for all skin types... I have to tell you, my skin has a glow and I get compliments all the time.
Once this was taken care of then my old foundation which is Sisiedo liquid foundation for oily skin looked awesome.
Hope this helped. I did not have to change the foundation... The problem was the dead skin buildup that was causing the skin to look lifeless and dull.
Reply:I used to be a loyal Clinique user but I found that it didn't last all day and it made my skin feel oily. I was introduced to an amazing line of skincare and makeup products ... a brand called Artistry and NAO cosmetics. They are ranked in the top five cosmetic lines with Estee Lauder, Clinique, Chanel...etc. The great thing about their products is they have a 100% money back guarantee so you can try the products and if you don't like the color or the way it makes your skin feel, you can return it without any problems or any questions asked.
If you're interested in checking out what they have to offer you can go to www.randaenterprises.ltdteam.com and type in the word beauty as the password.
They have lots of great stuff to offer!
Reply:If you have clear skin, then just use a nice tinted moisturiser (revlon has a really good one) they make your skin glow and give it a little colour if your skins dull, if you do have bad skin then stick with the tinted moisturiser and add some foundation too. Although none of this will be very helpful if your skins oily..
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